Discovery splash banner for MADFUTTERS Discord server
Discovery icon for MADFUTTERS Discord server


The place to be for every football fan! The best football server, which includes football games like EaFC and Madfut!

1,455 Online
57,917 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
October 7th, 2021
The number ONE Madfut Community!
FREE Madfut stuff! (With Madfut Bot)
We have tons of GIVEAWAYS! (Nitro, Madfut etc.)
The place to be for every FOOTBALL fan!


Are you still searching for the best football / Madfut community out there! It's time to stop looking around, because you're at the right place! Madfutters is the number one server for anything related to football or Madfut. We offer a lot for both of those, think about bot trades for example! We have many daily giveaways, but also rewards for levels, messages etc. Makes sense right? You are making the server active, we reward you!

Make sure to join now, you won't regret it!

Cheers, Madfutters Team. :)

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Discovery icon for MADFUTTERS Discord server


The place to be for every football fan! The best football server, which includes football games like EaFC and Madfut!

1,455 Online
57,917 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
October 7th, 2021
The number ONE Madfut Community!
FREE Madfut stuff! (With Madfut Bot)
We have tons of GIVEAWAYS! (Nitro, Madfut etc.)
The place to be for every FOOTBALL fan!


Are you still searching for the best football / Madfut community out there! It's time to stop looking around, because you're at the right place! Madfutters is the number one server for anything related to football or Madfut. We offer a lot for both of those, think about bot trades for example! We have many daily giveaways, but also rewards for levels, messages etc. Makes sense right? You are making the server active, we reward you!

Make sure to join now, you won't regret it!

Cheers, Madfutters Team. :)

Supported Languages



General Chatting


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Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
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