A simple image of the Discord Nitro logo on a blurple background.
How to Discord

How to Use Nitro: A Beginner’s Guide to Discord’s Premium Subscription

So you’ve heard your friends talk about this thing called Discord Nitro, and how it’s the coolest thing, like, ever. “Discord Nitro is a game changer,” says one. “When I bought Nitro I reached cosmic enlightenment,” says another. “LET’S PLAY CHECKERS,” your friend screams louder than a desert rain frog, using their mystical Nitro powers to start a round of Chess directly within Voice. (You then teach them the difference between Checkers and Chess.)   

Which leaves you with just one burning question: what is Discord Nitro? And where do you buy it? Is Nitro free? And how does it work? And can you redeem multiple— 

Actually, that’s a lot of questions. So, hey, let’s do a blog about it.

Seriously, what is Discord Nitro?

Bottom line: it’s a subscription that supercharges your Discord experience. If you ever see someone who’s got an animated profile banner, or a different profile for each server they’re in, or who wows everyone in #general with cool custom emojis from another community they belong to, that’s Nitro at work right there. 

Other ways to know if someone has Discord Nitro: their streaming quality is clearer than a new pair of spectacles. Or: they’re able to start a larger selection of Activities for everyone. 

There are two different Nitro plans you can subscribe to, Nitro and Nitro Basic

What benefits do the two tiers of Nitro subscriptions offer?

Quite a few! Take a look at the chart below to help you figure out which style of Nitro is best for you: 

A comparison chart between Nitro Basic and Nitro. Nitro Basic includes custom emoji, animated emoji, and custom stickers anywhere, an increased file upload limit, custom video backgrounds, and a Nitro profile badge. Standard Nitro includes these, plus additional perks and an even bigger file size limit.

Both plans share certain benefits that allow you to express yourself and have more fun — Nitro and Nitro Basic offer custom emoji and sticker perks, custom video backgrounds, and a snazzy profile badge. Nitro goes even further, with animated avatars, profile banners, two Server Boosts, (plus a discount if you end up purchasing more boosts), and a bunch more. 

It’s totally up to you which style you want to go for — you can subscribe to either of the two Nitro tiers whenever you’d like, and managing your plan is as easy as going to User Settings > Nitro. 

So… how much does Discord Nitro Cost? 

In the United States, Discord Nitro costs $9.99 if you pay per month, or $99.99 if you decide to pay on a yearly cadence. As for Nitro Basic, that’s $2.99 per month. 

If you’re not in the US, you might be looking at a different price point. You can check your region’s pricing from the Nitro Localized Pricing support article or in User Settings > Nitro.

Where can I buy Discord Nitro?

You can subscribe to Discord Nitro on any platform you use Discord on, including desktop, web, and mobile. You’re gonna want to check out User Settings > Nitro to get started. 

My friend gifted me Nitro! How do I accept?

Simply click the Accept button in-app! Also, thank your friend.

A Nitro Gift link being shared by a user in Discord.
Sunn gifting their friend Nitro. How sweet of them!

What if I’m not sure it’s a real gift? How can I make sure it’s not a scam?

Good question! Nitro gifts will use the URL “https://discord.gift/” with that exact spelling.

If you really want to play it safe, don’t even click any links or boxes. Just copy and paste the entire redemption link into User Settings > Gift Inventory. We’ll kindly and safely inform you if it works, and you’ll have some new Nitro perks afterward!

Sunn’s gift link from the previous image is pasted in a text field labeled “Redeem Codes.” 
Place your link directly within User Settings > Gift Inventory > Redeem Codes.

Can I redeem and stack multiple gifts of Nitro?

Oh, absolutely. 

If you’re already subscribed to Nitro and get gifted more, it just rolls over to the end of your subscription as credit. The next time you would have been billed, Discord will use the credit instead.

A subscription credit for Nitro waiting to be applied.

One important note: your credit won’t apply immediately if you’ve accepted a gift for a version of Nitro different from the one you’re already subscribed to. Gifting is not currently supported for Nitro Basic. If you are currently rockin’ a Nitro Basic or Classic subscription and receive a Nitro gift, you can only apply this gift by changing your Basic or Classic plan to Nitro. 

Don't worry though, if you decide to still accept your gift, your Nitro credits will live in your account until you decide to switch plans.

What happened to Nitro Classic?

The short version is: Nitro Classic has been retired, and Nitro Basic has taken its place. We’re pretty excited about Nitro Basic, but if you already have a Nitro Classic subscription, you can keep it as long as your subscription is active.

New to Nitro? We really suggest you check out Nitro Basic — we think you’ll like it.

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