Clyde and Nelly against a dark, blurred background. Icons of crowns, trophies, stars, and other gaming-related objects float in the distance.
Product & Features

Discord Patch Notes: March 11, 2025

Welcome to Patch Notes! In this series, we comb through the newest changes in performance, reliability, responsiveness, usability, and general bug-squishing we’ve done to make Discord better. 

If you discover a bug of your own, check out our Bimonthly Bug Megathread on the community-ran r/DiscordApp subreddit. Tell us what’s been bothering you and our Engineering team will be more than happy to check it out. 

Those who love living on the edge can opt-in to the TestFlight version of Discord and try out the latest features before they release on iOS. Help us squish some pesky bugs! It’s like your uncle works at Discord. Find it at

All fixes listed below have been committed and merged, but may still be rolling out to individual platforms at the time of this post. 


  • We’ve changed how we deploy our API to help insulate the most critical portions of the app from potential reliability issues. Moving forward, users should experience fewer incidents that affect the core usability of Discord. 
  • We’ve shipped improvements for HDR to SDR tone-mapping support, which improves color accuracy when processing vibrant, high-quality videos and images to SDR formats. For folks working with HDR media, this should yield much more color accurate outputs in Discord. Thank you to the AV1 community Discord server for the feedback that inspired this change.
  • We recently made some changes to how we create Spotify embeds, resulting in  ~83% improved latency at p95 and ~88% reduction in failures. So, share away! Maybe your friend will finally listen to one of those songs you sent them. 
  • We’ve updated the share experience on Android to feel very similar to the message forwarding interface. When you attempt to share something to Discord from your device or another app, you’ll see the new slick interface. Enjoy! 
  • We’ve upgraded from Electron 33.0.0 to Electron 33.4.0 across all of our desktop platforms.


  • Previewing a Soundboard sound during upload and then canceling the upload should no longer loop the sound infinitely. I personally encountered this bug uploading a clip of my friend saying “can’t stop, won’t stop.” We told it otherwise. 
  • Improved performance when activating search or collapsing a long channel topic on iOS. 
  • Resolved a short lived issue where favorited GIFs weren’t working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where poll results would show a user’s global avatar instead of their server-specific avatar.
  • Resolved a bug that caused animations to sometimes stop rendering completely on iOS.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Rich Presence to not consistently render for users in server channel member lists.
  • Opening a new modal while the expression picker is open on mobile should now properly dismiss the expression picker.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from navigating to the bottom row of search results in the emoji picker on Android and iOS. Access all those emoji from your “emoji servers” folder you shoved at the bottom of your server list faster! 
  • Resolved an issue with the emoji picker where the header would not lock to the top of the picker.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Edit Profile button to not properly dismiss the existing pop out. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Edit Server Profile button would incorrectly open the global User Profile the first time it was selected.
  • Resolved a bug on Android that caused the text input for Search to not render properly.
  • Resolved window sizing/cropping issues in the User Management menu of Server Settings on desktop.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Custom Statuses to not expand on hover properly.
  • Resolved an issue that caused background colors of profile pictures to sometimes be incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Add some people” section of the new server creation flow to not properly render friends. Now there are people! 
  • Fixed a bug where the profile preview would sometimes be cut off in the success modal of purchasing flows. 
  • Fixed a bug where mousing over the Custom Status portion of the profile on the bottom left of the app wouldn’t render the correct pointer cursor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused pop outs to incorrectly close when opening context menus.
  • Resolved an issue that caused friend request notifications to disappear after notification settings were changed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented keyboard navigation from opening the Gift Collectable modal in the shop.
  • Fixed an issue that caused dropdown highlighting issues when configuring invite links.
  • Fixed a mobile issue that caused rendering issues in the server search field in Server Profile settings.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the top bar when adding friends.
  • Fixed a button size consistency issue in the RSVP flows for events on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue with the search bar in Server Settings not functioning on desktop.
  • Fixed an issue that caused mouse hover highlights in dropdown menus to continue rendering when keyboard navigating through the dropdown.
  • Masked links in channel topics should now properly function on mobile.
  • Fixed a visual consistency issue with the “Explore discoverable servers” button in the Add Friends flow.
  • Fixed an issue on mobile where navigating within the GIF picker then attempting to add or edit characters into search would close the keyboard. 
  • Message reaction notifications should no longer bypass Do Not Disturb on mobile.
  • Removed excess padding beneath the channel member list.
  • Resolved an issue with 2FA setup that could cause the same device to list twice in the known devices list. That wasn’t what we meant when we said “2.” 
  • Corrected the placeholder text in the Members search section of User Management in Server Settings.


  • Fixed a bug that caused empty Group DMs to incorrectly display undefined users in their description.
  • Resolved a bug that caused editing messages in servers that had a Server Guide set up to sometimes cause the guide popup to visually block the message edit.
  • Fixed an issue that caused typing indicators for very long usernames on iOS to not truncate properly.
  • Shipped a fix for known reliability issues with typing indicators.
  • Resolved a bug on iOS that could cause text input and message text to be hidden when replying to a message.
  • Users should now be able to rename Group DMs in the Android app.
  • Fixed an occasional bug that caused replies to not be rendered in the correct theme on Android.
  • Resolved a bug that caused Emoji Confetti to also affect menu options rendering on top of messages with active confetti.
  • Closing a DM while unread no longer leaves an empty space with an unread indicator on the server list on mobile.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented being able to acknowledge deleted messages, which caused notification indicators to persist.
  • Resolved an issue where ‘Send Message” and ‘Create Threads” permissions were incorrectly affecting each other on Android.
  • Fixed an issue where 24px font size in chat wasn’t working properly.
  • Resolved an alignment issue on mobile with the “Wave to…” button in new DMs. 
  • Resolved an issue that could cause mobile message notifications to not have “Mark as Read” or “Reply” options.

Activities and Apps

  • The Activity Open/Close sound no longer plays on iOS when the device is in silent mode.
  • Fixed an issue that impeded navigating between profiles from the Activity section of a User Profile.
  • Resolved a bug that caused context menu command lists on mobile to not populate properly the first time the UI was accessed within a server.
  • Resolved an issue where apps could hit a SKU limit that wasn’t resolved after deleting SKUs.
  • Resolved an issue where clicking launch without being authenticated in the App Directory would not re-direct users to the login screen.
  • Opting out of future Activity Sentiment surveys on iOS should now actually work.
  • Clicking on the “?” icon in the bottom left corner of ephemeral messages (usually from apps) no longer redirects to a 404 page.


  • Resolved an issue that caused certain stream configurations to ignore the “share audio” setting, always sharing the shared app’s audio.
  • Resolved an issue where the Camera Options menu under Screen Sharing could render an empty option.
  • Removed duplicate iOS settings for Krisp. Noise Cancellation selection is now a single trinary list: Krisp, Standard and None.
  • Fixed a copy issue with audio subsystem settings to clarify when a restart of the Discord client is necessary.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the Spectators list when viewing a stream as a pop out. 
  • Resolved a hardware-specific issue that could cause mismatched sample rates with certain headsets for microphone input. This manifested as sounding robotic after switching audio input devices.


  • Resolved Android instability when many animated GIFs are displayed.
  • Resolved issues with navigation within Image Galleries on mobile not functioning properly.
  • We added a button to update your limited photo selection on iOS. 
  • Resolved an issue that could result in duplicate sends if the “send” button was spammed in the share sheet. You’re welcome! You’re welcome! You’re welcome! You’re we-
  • Resolved a bug that caused animated WebP images to not embed properly.


  • Users that use screen readers should now be able to browse the available Tenor GIFs in the GIF Picker’s categories via swipe gestures.
  • Stickers in the Sticker Picker should now have accessible names. 
  • Resolved an issue that allowed Server Guides to have insufficient contrast between their backgrounds and text colors.
  • When using a screen reader, the “User actions” menu should no longer close when a user activates the “Invite to Server” button.
  • Improved contrast of the channel mention indicator.
  • Inline message actions now have labels and roles for TalkBack.
  • Users using Screen Readers should now be able to navigate away from the button after copying a link.
  • TalkBack users should now be able to navigate between call elements after scrolling text in voice.
  • The “Send a Message” field in Threads now has an accessible name.
  • Users with screen readers should now be able to interact more effectively with the “Apps” button. State is conveyed and focus management is improved.
  • The “Add Status” button in the You tab now has a more descriptive name for screen readers.
  • Resolved an issue with the announcement for the “Welcome to your new group” section in a GDM voice call. 
  • Screen Reader users should now be able to initiate a DM by swiping up on a friend.
  • Users utilizing a screen reader should now be properly informed when their search returns no results.
  • The “Learn More” link in the Add Friends flow now has a role assigned for screen readers.
  • Users with screen readers should now receive a status message to confirm when the user has voted in a poll.
  • Improved the contrast of the “Edit Profile Banner” button in the User Profile on mobile.
  • Added a better description for screen readers to the “Copy invite link” button in the server creation flow. 
  • We’ve gone through many of our core flows and ensured that header texts within various flows are properly flagged as headers for screen readers.

All relative measurements cited were performed internally with our own instrumentation and tooling.

… oh hey, you read everything! If you’re itching for the latest updates to Discord, you can find our previous Patch Notes articles here, or check out our archive of past Changelogs if you’re more into the fun stuff.

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