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Discord Update: April 3, 2024 Changelog

Here's the Discord Changelog from April 3, 2024. You can also find the most recent Changelog in the Discord app under Settings > What's New.

Lock In Your Look. Show the World.

  • VALORANT arrives in the Shop. Ace your look with Avatar Decorations and Profile Effects based on VALORANT Agents Jett, Reyna, Omen, and the newest Agent: Clove. Grab ‘em on desktop before they head back to HQ.
  • Choose where people can see your decorations. Just like per-server avatars and bios, Nitro members can now set avatar decorations and profile effects on a per-server basis.  Hand-select which communities are privileged to see your Cat Ears decoration…

It’s time to pitch your Activity to us!

  • Devs! This year’s Discord App Pitches are in full swing. This year, we’re looking for the best community-made Activities to enjoy with friends on Discord. Submit your pitch by May 1st for a chance to win up to USD 30,000 and office hours with Discord staff. Eligibility & Official Rules.

What’s in the Boooox???

  • Open some “100% Real” Digital Loot Boxes on desktop while you can. I’m not sure why my colleagues are snickering at me as I write this, but they said if you open enough boxes, you can win a prize for your profile that you can keep! You can access them until April 8 right here.

Watch stuff. Hunt stuff. Favorite LOTS of stuff.

  • Watch Together gets even better. Tons of quality-of-life fixes were added, including saving your recent searches for easy rediscovery (only you can see your history). Plus, server admins can now revoke a host’s control if they queued up “rainbow bunchie 10 hours” ten times in a row. 
  • Prepare to hunt with a Monster Hunter Now reward bundle for Nitro members. If you’ve got Nitro, head into your Gift Inventory from now until April 18th to receive a reward bundle! Use it to adventure in the city with your friends while hunting a Rathalos or two. More deets here.
  • We fixed a really niche bug related to saving way too many GIFs. Previously, if you favorited an obscene amount of GIFs, the GIF picker would eventually lock up and prevent you from adding or removing them. Thank the person whose GIF picker we had to fix for their noble contribution.

More Mobile Updates in the Coming Weeks

  • AirPods users on iOS can now mute their calls using their earbuds. This is either great for on-the-go talkers on an iPhone or iPad, or a nightmare for people who love to fidget with their hair or their earrings while on a call. Do people actually walk and talk with a big tablet?
  • Small-but-mighty fixes all over the place! Keen-eyed mobile users will start noticing some updates to how search filters appear and seeing attachments within your Search results (again). Lastly, when you start a video call on mobile, your friends will be fullscreen by default. Tell them we said hello! 👋

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