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Discord Update: May 13, 2024 Changelog

Here's the Discord Changelog from May 13, 2024. You can also find the most recent Changelog in the Discord app under Settings > What's New.

Discord's Clyde logo in a gold sticker with "9th birthday" in decorative text, over party streamers, confetti, and balloons

Discord turns 9 this May! And birthdays mean presents… but for YOU. 🫵 

Over the next nine days, we’ll be giving away one-of-a-kind prizes and stuff that makes gaming with your friends on Discord way more fun. Keep an eye out on our social media accounts such as X (US, Japan, France) and Instagram!

We also brought you gifts *right here, right now* in the form of new ways to spend time with your friends and bug fixes to make that time as frictionless as possible. Read on to see what’s new! 

More Fun, During and After The Call 

  • You can now play an Activity within text channels in servers. If you’re not feeling like being in Voice but still want to get a few rounds of Blazing 8s in with your friends, we’ve got you covered. Desktop users can use the “+” button in text channels, and mobile peeps can press the shiny new button that we’re about to shout out below (get ready for it):   
  • Access Apps on mobile with an all-new “Shapes” button. It’s your one-stop-shop for all your Apps and Activities, right on your mobile chat bar. Easily use App commands with taps instead of typing — no need to worry about which shape goes in the square hole. Learn more here.
  • Ask what @everyone thinks with Polls. Use Polls to decide what to play, ask your burning and benign questions, or decide if you should chomp an entire jalapeno in one bite! Use the previously-mentioned “+” button to create Polls. +1 to the Plus Button.
  • On desktop, pop-up profiles now display someone’s mutual servers and friends. Now it’s just a single click to see which mutuals you share with someone, helping make new connections easier. Also helpful for determining which server someone’s asking for mod help in. 

More Fixes, Less Crashes

  • Bluetooth devices now connect properly when you join a call. Previously, if you joined a call and turned on your Bluetooth headphones, your call wouldn't swap to your newly connected device properly. This now just works, meaning less talking into a device that wasn’t even working. 
  • Permission to Poll: Granted.  Tons of work goes into managing servers. It’s important to have the right tools—and permissions—to do so. Creating Polls in servers is now tied to a new “Create Polls” permission. Save it for just moderators, or let everyone use ‘em!
  • Mobile is better at not using battery when it doesn’t need to. Mobile now knows to conserve resources when the app isn’t detecting anyone talking or you’re deafened in a Voice call, letting the app save on battery. Rejoice, VC sleepers! 
  • Crashes are a bummer. Android does that less now. Our expert dev team resolved a few long-standing Android crashes that were particularly tricky to track down. These fixes reduced the platform's crash rate by over a third — 37% to be precise! /adjusts glasses

P.S. If you love reading about stuff like Electron updates, unicode rendering fixes, and tangible reductions in crash rates shown in percentages, you’re in luck: our Engineering team has collected the latest technical fixes to show how they’re always making Discord better. 

Check out their Patch Notes here

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