The logos for Tourney Bot, Guess the Rank, FN Leaderboard, and TREBEL.
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Apps on Discord to Uplevel Your Competitive Gaming Skills

Huge news about to drop. You absolutely will not guess what we’re about to post. Are you ready? Are you… sure…? Well, here it comes:

We, at Discord, like video games.

Yeah yeah, I know… you’re shocked. Flabbergasted. Flummoxed, even, at this information that’s been dropped upon you. But maybe, deep inside… you’re also a gamer? And not just any gamer… maybe you’re STOKED at the idea of competing in games. To win. To be the best, like no one ever was. 

If this sounds like you, you should take a look at these four Apps that bring a bit of competitive spirit to you and your friends.

Tourney Bot

The hardest part about running any competitive tournament? Managing the bracket itself. Walkin’ around with charts of who won, who lost, what the next matchup is, who’s in the losers or winners brackets… the mental gymnastics needed can be tougher than the most complex fighting games. 

A screenshot of Tourney Bot’s App Directory listing.

Next time you’re running a tournament bracket in your server, try out Tourney Bot. With support for different tournament formats, easy handling of tournament registration, and the option to add a leaderboard for your community to keep track of who the top players in your server are, your Discord’s competitive scene will feel like it’s growing all by itself! 

Guess The Rank

You don’t always have to be the one competing to get into the competitive spirit. Rally behind professional players as they make it through their matches and analyze their plays to determine their skill level.

Guess The Rank lets you and your friends, well… guess the rank of others! Watch user-submitted clips within Discord while you’re queueing up for matches, including players from games such as Valorant, Counter-Strike 2, League of Legends, and even the hottest new game on the scene: Chess.

A screenshot of Guess The Rank’s App Directory listing.

If you require a bit of a peer review, you can also submit your clips to Guess The Rank for DIVINE JUDGMEN– I mean, a friendly review from others and see if they can guess your rank! After all, constructive criticism is one of the best ways to grow wiser.  

FN Leaderboard

Who in your server is the best at cranking 90s to win the fight and who’s sitting around in a bush for 90% of the match and sniping the last elimination? Figure out whose strategies get better results in Fortnite when you add the FN Leaderboard app to your server. 

A screenshot of FN Leaderboard’s App Directory listing.

When members link their Epic Games account to the FN Leaderboard app, they’ll be included in a server-wide leaderboard that lets you and your friends compare stats, including Victory Royales, Most Eliminations, and most importantly: Fish Caught. 

Plus, you can encourage your friends to get out and win by awarding roles to server members who are the top players in specific categories. See who currently has a particular role, and hop in-game to buff up your stats and take it from ‘em! 


Live your gaming life like a montage of clutch plays set to a vast selection of music by adding TREBEL to your server. TREBEL has a huuuge library of on-demand songs and playlists for your friends to listen to in Voice—everyone can listen, but only those who link their accounts can become the group's DJ and add songs or playlists. If you link your Trebel account to Discord, you can even save your favorite tracks and bring ‘em across communities.

A screenshot of TREBEL Music Bot’s App Directory listing.

These four apps are just a taste of what you’ll find as you adventure through the App Directory, a constantly growing source for Discord Apps made by our dedicated developer community. 

Didn’t find what you’re looking for? You can make it real. Explore what’s possible at, or hit the ground running in the Discord Developer Portal

Is something missing from this list? Or, have an idea for an app that’s worth sharing in a future article? Let us know on X, TikTok, and Instagram, and we might just feature them too!

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