A message from our CEO about the next chapter of Discord, how we’re building an even faster, more powerful app to take us there, and a new look to match where we’re headed.
Discord just turned nine this month and we’ve had a lot of fun celebrating with many of you. Now, as we begin our tenth trip around the sun, I want to share what we’re focused on as we look to the next decade — but first, let’s travel back in time to when my cofounder Stan and I started this crazy journey.
Twelve years ago, we had a hunch that multiplayer gaming would be the future of entertainment and that people would need a well-made communications platform to talk with their gaming friends. With the explosion of mobile gaming, faster internet, and more easily accessible computers, we knew more and more people would be playing live multiplayer video games like we did, but wow! We had no idea how big gaming would become.
Today, gaming has become the largest form of entertainment in the world, bigger than movies and music combined, and it’s the fastest growing as well. It’s a major way people use their personal devices, including PCs, smartphones, tablets, or consoles. People of all generations are playing games across many genres, from Minecraft, to Overwatch, to Wordle.