
In case you weren’t aware, robots are taking over. Well no, but a dedicated group of ballers have reverse engineered our API to create what we’re calling the official unofficial Discord API.

In other words, if you’re a developer, you can make some bots right now, today. We will still be supporting an official API in the future (which you can see details on at the bottom of this post) but if you’re fiending for some tasty Discord modding, whet your appetite right now.

Here’s some bots we’ve seen already:

Looking for some automated tunes in your rooms? SexualRhinoceros’s Music Bot rocks the mic.

Seeking for some randomly generated integers? Kwoth’s NadekoBot chances fate.

Wow. Such bot. Much server. Gravebot brings the dank.

There’s more to be done than just bots. For example, this ended up on our radar recently and is so freaking cool:

It’s called D-Zone. “An ambient life simulation driven by the user activity within a Discord server.”

How cool is that!? Damn son, and those pixels!? Mm, tasty.

How to get started

To get started, check out this list of libraries you can use to develop with. I’ve included the developers name who created them. Credit is due where credit is due!

To join the conversation with other devs, join the unofficial official Discord API chat.


For a list of Feature Comparisons for the individual libraries, check out this link: https://abal.moe/Discord/Libraries.html (@abalabahaha)

.Net (C#/VB.Net/F#)

Discord.Net — https://github.com/RogueException/Discord.Net — (@Voltana)
DiscordSharp — https://github.com/Luigifan/DiscordSharp — (@Axiom)


go-discord — https://github.com/gdraynz/go-discord — (@steelou)
discordgo — https://github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo — (@Skippy (siacn))


Discord4J — https://github.com/nerd/Discord4J
JDiscord — https://github.com/NotGGhost/jDiscord — (@Ghost)


discord.io — https://github.com/izy521/discord.io — (@izy521)
discord.js — https://github.com/discord-js/discord.js — (@hydrabolt)
discordie — https://github.com/qeled/discordie — (@#q)


discordphp — https://github.com/teamreflex/DiscordPHP — (@Uniquoooo)
discord-hypertext — https://github.com/Cleanse/discord-php — (@Cleanse)


discord.py — https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py — (@Danny)


discordrb — https://github.com/meew0/discordrb — (@meew0)


discord-akka — https://github.com/eaceaser/discord-akka — (@ceezy)

Official API Info

While this unofficial revolution is awesome, we are still planning on releasing our own official API in the future. The official API is currently in development. On release, it will include:

We look forward to seeing what kind of wacky, useful, and imaginiative stuff arises. Please hit us up on twitter if you make something awesome!
