
Find a popular Genshin Impact community

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Make friends with fellow Genshin Impact fans on Discord

Get news, share memes, and find trivia on Xiao, Venti, Albedo, and Klee. Share codes, tips, tier lists and more! Join a popular Genshin Impact server:

The Genshin Collective

The Genshin Collective strives to build an incredible community with a shared interest in Genshin Impact. Welcome!

5.9k members

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor | Genshin Impact

A Genshin Impact community that focuses on providing information on upcoming game content, as well as hosting events.

169k+ members


The official discord of r/GenshinImpactTips, a community that focuses on Guides and Tips for Genshin Impact!

1.7k members

Genshin Co-op♞

Friendly Genshin Co-op Discord, helping you with  all your co-op needs.

2.9k members

Genshin Impact Helping community

You can talk in peace, you can play with us, seek help or maybe just chat, the community is mainly focused on genshin

15k+ members

Erk's Genshin Community

Hi, I’m a small creator with a server for new and experienced players that all share the love for genshin.

26k+ members

Bonk | Genshin Impact

Bonk is a Genshin Impact community that's extremely chill, helpful, and welcoming. Come stop by and check us out! :)

1.3k members

Ei Mains 🌸 Genshin Impact

a cozy, sfw + lgbtq friendly server based on the Electro Archon of Teyvat from Genshin Impact

3k members

Genshin Icons

A server w/ animated icons for Genshin Impact animated by CandyCage, and a place to discuss the game, art, and more!

61k+ members

A young cartoon character playing Genshin Impact

Build community while playing together

Find a group on Discord to talk tips and strategy with group messaging, video calling, screen share streaming, and drop-in voice chat.

Start chatting Genshin Impact,
end up making friends

Discord’s servers provide so much more than a gaming forum. Grab a seat to chat, stream or hang out on video with your future friends.

Imagine a place to up your game

Connecting with fellow Genshin Impact fans improves your gaming experience. Join with friends and conquer Teyvat on Discord today.

Connect in meaningful ways

Genshin Impact servers are a home for your community. Mobile gamers enjoy topic-based channels ranging from character backstories, to tips, tricks, codes and the newest game features and mechanics. Each channel makes talking and hanging out easy.

Explore Genshin Impact Groups on Discord