Discovery splash banner for Museum Break-In / [Formerly Terror's Past] Discord server
Discovery icon for Museum Break-In / [Formerly Terror's Past] Discord server

Museum Break-In / [Formerly Terror's Past]

A ROBLOX Dinosaur horror game, based in a museum

171 Online
1,902 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
September 1st, 2019
Nerd out about science and nature
See what goes on in the world
Wait for the game to come out
Be absolutely chill with each other


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Game Developer
Discovery icon for Museum Break-In / [Formerly Terror's Past] Discord server

Museum Break-In / [Formerly Terror's Past]

A ROBLOX Dinosaur horror game, based in a museum

171 Online
1,902 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
September 1st, 2019
Nerd out about science and nature
See what goes on in the world
Wait for the game to come out
Be absolutely chill with each other


Supported Languages



Game Developer
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