Against The Current
1,054 online
6,904 members
Join the official ATC FAM Club! All money raised from subs will go directly towards helping us recording music, shoot videos and create new content!
Join Server1,054 online
6,904 members
Join the official ATC FAM Club! All money raised from subs will go directly towards helping us recording music, shoot videos and create new content!
Join Server1,054 online
6,904 members
Join the official ATC FAM Club! All money raised from subs will go directly towards helping us recording music, shoot videos and create new content!
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Access to exclusive content from Will
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Exclusive BTS content, updates and polls
Exclusive chat space for members
Green Room
Exclusive voice/video chat space for members
Sound Check
Exclusive live events and streams
Exclusive BTS Media from the band
Access to exclusive content from Chrissy
Access to exclusive content from Dan
Access to exclusive content from Will
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Enhanced Chat
Ability to use Embeds, Gifs and External Emotes/Stickers server wide
Polls & Feedback
Vote on Album Art, Merch Designs, Tour Names and more!
Presale Access
Get first access to Merch drops and Tour VIP Upgrades (+ GA when applicable)
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