Discovery splash banner for AION CLASSIC | EU Community Discord server
Discovery icon for AION CLASSIC | EU Community Discord server


The biggest discord for AION Classic around the globe! We're not affiliated with the publishers NCSoft or Gameforge! :)

1,303 Online
4,784 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
October 2nd, 2022
Connect with old or new AION Classic friends from around the globe! 전 세계의 기존 또는 새로운 AION Classic 친구들과 연결하세요!
Struggling to find a suitable community or legion? We can help you! 적합한 커뮤니티나 군단을 찾기 위해 고군분투하고 있습니까? 우리는 당신을 도울 수 있습니다!
Find player created guides for leveling, classes, PvE or PvP! 레벨링, 클래스, PvE 또는 PvP를 위한 플레이어 생성 가이드를 찾아보세요!
Looking for raid groups? We have a specific LFG channel! 레이드 그룹을 찾고 계십니까? 특정 LFG 채널이 있습니다!


Founded: October 2nd, 2022 - our discord server is a community-driven for everyone who's SOLELY interested in AION CLASSIC in Europe. We are striving to be a safe space for all types of players, such as casuals, PvEers, PvPers or role players.

Our community believes in inclusivity and, therefore, we are very strict with our rules. We welcome people from all over the world. We're NOT reducing our support to Europeans only.

We're providing various chat channels to optimize your usage. Be it for guides, legion recruiting or other topics.. We have your back!

The server is constantly growing as the game AION Classic is still in development and is planned to launch in Q1 2023. It is never too late to join the community!

We're happy to mention that we have a few Gameforge employees present on our server. You'll have the chance to chat with them in our channels.

Supported Languages

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Discovery icon for AION CLASSIC | EU Community Discord server


The biggest discord for AION Classic around the globe! We're not affiliated with the publishers NCSoft or Gameforge! :)

1,303 Online
4,784 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
October 2nd, 2022
Connect with old or new AION Classic friends from around the globe! 전 세계의 기존 또는 새로운 AION Classic 친구들과 연결하세요!
Struggling to find a suitable community or legion? We can help you! 적합한 커뮤니티나 군단을 찾기 위해 고군분투하고 있습니까? 우리는 당신을 도울 수 있습니다!
Find player created guides for leveling, classes, PvE or PvP! 레벨링, 클래스, PvE 또는 PvP를 위한 플레이어 생성 가이드를 찾아보세요!
Looking for raid groups? We have a specific LFG channel! 레이드 그룹을 찾고 계십니까? 특정 LFG 채널이 있습니다!


Founded: October 2nd, 2022 - our discord server is a community-driven for everyone who's SOLELY interested in AION CLASSIC in Europe. We are striving to be a safe space for all types of players, such as casuals, PvEers, PvPers or role players.

Our community believes in inclusivity and, therefore, we are very strict with our rules. We welcome people from all over the world. We're NOT reducing our support to Europeans only.

We're providing various chat channels to optimize your usage. Be it for guides, legion recruiting or other topics.. We have your back!

The server is constantly growing as the game AION Classic is still in development and is planned to launch in Q1 2023. It is never too late to join the community!

We're happy to mention that we have a few Gameforge employees present on our server. You'll have the chance to chat with them in our channels.

Supported Languages



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