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Animal Crossing | NOOKingdom


Server subscribers

1,758 online

16,482 members

Support NOOKingdom and help Earth get a 5-star rating from Isabelle by planting more trees! As NOOKingdom continues to grow into one of the largest Animal Crossing communities on Discord, our server's expenses rise too. Your support will help cover the cost of maintaining our thriving community so we can focus on improving your experience with us while maintaining the high standard that NOOKingdom has proudly set as the top-rated Animal Crossing Discord community. All donations are 100% optional and are used towards supporting our thriving community (Premium bot memberships, Nintendo Switches for Treasure Islands, Giveaways, etc...) and helping our planet by planting more trees. Thank you for supporting NOOKingdom!

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Discovery icon for Animal Crossing | NOOKingdom Discord server

Animal Crossing | NOOKingdom


Server subscribers

1,758 online

16,482 members

Support NOOKingdom and help Earth get a 5-star rating from Isabelle by planting more trees! As NOOKingdom continues to grow into one of the largest Animal Crossing communities on Discord, our server's expenses rise too. Your support will help cover the cost of maintaining our thriving community so we can focus on improving your experience with us while maintaining the high standard that NOOKingdom has proudly set as the top-rated Animal Crossing Discord community. All donations are 100% optional and are used towards supporting our thriving community (Premium bot memberships, Nintendo Switches for Treasure Islands, Giveaways, etc...) and helping our planet by planting more trees. Thank you for supporting NOOKingdom!

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Premium ⭐ Bronze



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Bronze Premium Role | ⭐ 1 spot on our Treasure Islands | ⭐ 1 spot on our Turnip Island | ⭐ 1 Entry in all Giveaways | ⭐ 2 orders on NOOKingdom's Drive-Thru *️⃣ Access to our Drive Thru VIP Channel! Access to our Treasure Island Donor Drop Bot! Exclusive Access to Premium Chat Channel!


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  • ⭐〉premium┇bronze

    Exclusive Giveaways for Premium Bronze

  • 🚗〉drive-thru┇vip

Premium ⭐ Silver




Silver Premium role | 🌟5 spots on our Treasure Islands | 🌟5 spots on our Turnip Island | 🌟5 Entries in all Giveaways | 🌟5 orders on NOOKingdom's Drive-Thru | ✳️Access to our Drive Thru VIP Channel! Access to our Treasure Island Donor Drop Bot! Exclusive Access to Premium Chat Channel!


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • ⭐〉premium┇silver

    Exclusive Giveaways for Premium Silver

Premium ⭐ Gold




Gold Premium role | ✨10 spots on our Treasure Islands | ✨10 spots on our Turnip Island | ✨10 Entries in all Giveaways | ✨10 orders on NOOKingdom's Drive-Thru *️⃣Access to our Drive Thru VIP Channel! Access to our Treasure Island Donor Drop Bot! Exclusive Access to Premium Chat Channel!


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

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    Exclusive Giveaways for Premium Gold

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1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

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