Thousands of verified artists to commission from; foster your skills and/or enjoy art in this community!
We are an art discord server with 60000+ members and 7000+ manually verified artists by admins. An art community that offers a centralized place for artists to advertise commissions, drawing critique, giveaways, challenges, sponsored contest and much more.
The staff also assign verified seller and verified buyer roles to ensure another safety net for both parties.
What we offer:
Thousands of verified artists to commission from; foster your skills and/or enjoy art in this community!
We are an art discord server with 60000+ members and 7000+ manually verified artists by admins. An art community that offers a centralized place for artists to advertise commissions, drawing critique, giveaways, challenges, sponsored contest and much more.
The staff also assign verified seller and verified buyer roles to ensure another safety net for both parties.
What we offer: