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Server subscribers
33,961 online
793.2K members
Show your support for BeluGANG and unlock special perks!
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Server subscribers
33,961 online
793.2K members
Show your support for BeluGANG and unlock special perks!
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Support the server and earn cool perks!
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(LIMITED TIME) Early Bird Role
A limited-time only Early Bird role that you keep forever!
Master Permissions
Gain all permissions from the Master role!
10,000 Belubucks
Instantly gain 10,000 belubucks to spend in the shop!
1.2x XP Multipler
Gain XP at an increased rate!
Belubucks Multiplier
Shop for cosmetics faster with a belubucks multiplier!
Play your favorite sounds in VC!
Show off your support with even more perks and permissions!
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
(LIMITED TIME) Early Bird Role
A limited-time only Early Bird role that you keep forever!
Legend Permissions
Gain all permissions from the Legend role!
Special Giveaways
Win prizes from supporter-only giveaways!
Color Roles
Choose from a variety of colorful roles!
25,000 Belubucks
Instantly get 25,000 belubucks for the shop!
1.5x XP Multiplier
Earn XP at an even higher increased rate!
Belubucks Multiplier
Shop for cosmetics faster with a belubucks multiplier!
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Play your favorite sounds in VC!
Voice Messages
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