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Book Lovers Club

Whatever you enjoy reading, whoever your favorite author is, you'll find plenty of discussion in this troll-free group.

5,030 Online
54,768 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
January 16th, 2018
We feature two books a month that members can choose to read together as part of our book club
Ongoing buddy reads throughout the community, slightly less formal than the official monthly book club selections
Make friends with others who read the same books as you
We actively moderate the community to ensure rules are followed, nobody is being treated poorly, and everyone feels safe


Supported Languages

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Anime & Manga
General Chatting
Comics & Cartoons


Discovery icon for Book Lovers Club Discord server

Book Lovers Club

Whatever you enjoy reading, whoever your favorite author is, you'll find plenty of discussion in this troll-free group.

5,030 Online
54,768 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
January 16th, 2018
We feature two books a month that members can choose to read together as part of our book club
Ongoing buddy reads throughout the community, slightly less formal than the official monthly book club selections
Make friends with others who read the same books as you
We actively moderate the community to ensure rules are followed, nobody is being treated poorly, and everyone feels safe


Supported Languages



Anime & Manga
General Chatting
Comics & Cartoons


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Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
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