Discovery splash banner for CAA Discord server
Discovery icon for CAA Discord server


To spread awareness of the CAA profession and to support the journeys of program applicants, current students, and CAAs.

617 Online
8,757 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
May 3rd, 2020
MONTHLY Q&A SESSIONS with many interesting individuals across the CAA landscape: Program Faculty, CAAs, Student AAs, etc.
YEARS of information and conversations, intuitively organized into distinct channels.
FREE mock interviews, personal statement review, and standardized testing resources.
PRIVACY & SECURITY with SAA/CAA identity verification and private communication channels.


Our Discord server—an online community with live text, voice, video, and file-sharing—is over 6,000 members strong with prospective program applicants, current students, practicing professionals, program faculty, and more. And we'd love to see you join our ranks!

If you are an accepted applicant or current SAA, our moderator BrotherBear#9914 "Yogi" can assist you in verifying your credentials and gaining access to private communication channels. If you are a practicing healthcare professional, our moderator Lucris#0025 "Lucris" can assist you in a similar fashion.

We welcome you to join in and introduce yourself at any time. Learn more about the CAA profession, make new friends and professional connections, and take advantage of the wide array of conversations, resources, and services offered within. We're happy to have you!

Supported Languages

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Wiki & Guide
Science & Tech
Studying & Teaching
Discovery icon for CAA Discord server


To spread awareness of the CAA profession and to support the journeys of program applicants, current students, and CAAs.

617 Online
8,757 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
May 3rd, 2020
MONTHLY Q&A SESSIONS with many interesting individuals across the CAA landscape: Program Faculty, CAAs, Student AAs, etc.
YEARS of information and conversations, intuitively organized into distinct channels.
FREE mock interviews, personal statement review, and standardized testing resources.
PRIVACY & SECURITY with SAA/CAA identity verification and private communication channels.


Our Discord server—an online community with live text, voice, video, and file-sharing—is over 6,000 members strong with prospective program applicants, current students, practicing professionals, program faculty, and more. And we'd love to see you join our ranks!

If you are an accepted applicant or current SAA, our moderator BrotherBear#9914 "Yogi" can assist you in verifying your credentials and gaining access to private communication channels. If you are a practicing healthcare professional, our moderator Lucris#0025 "Lucris" can assist you in a similar fashion.

We welcome you to join in and introduce yourself at any time. Learn more about the CAA profession, make new friends and professional connections, and take advantage of the wide array of conversations, resources, and services offered within. We're happy to have you!

Supported Languages



Wiki & Guide
Science & Tech
Studying & Teaching
Find a place where you belong
Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
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