Cannacures Garden
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15 members
learn the technique for your passion
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1 online
15 members
learn the technique for your passion
Watch the trailer
1 online
15 members
learn the technique for your passion
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terps talk
shoot the shit
Nuets n all lets c what i use
Everything iv learned along the way
Let the light in
Using soil or using hydro system ?
Lets get cutting
R yu on schedule or just a rando feeder
Pics of the ladies
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Thirsty thursday
Chat about the weekly demise in the grow and how we overcame the struggles if any
Making hashish rso and tincstures as well as butter r some of my specialties . I'll show those techniques here .
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Making dry sift bubble and pressing here
Rso is simple to make let me show yu how
Several different base tincstures to make here
Let me show yu a good dosing chart to start and how to decarb proper. Yull never look back
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Saturday game night
Q n a
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