Discovery splash banner for Cider Collective Discord server
Discovery icon for Cider Collective Discord server

Cider Collective


Server subscribers

3,441 online

14,271 members

Join the Cider Collective, a pioneering force in software. Your support gives you early access to new builds, letting you stay ahead of the curve. But it doesn’t stop there – your feedback matters to us. With priority feature requests, you directly shape our product development. Importantly, every contribution bolsters our dedicated team, directly funding developer payroll. By supporting Cider Collective, you're not just buying a product, but fueling innovation. Be part of our journey – support Cider Collective today, together let's shape the future of software.

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Discovery icon for Cider Collective Discord server

Cider Collective


Server subscribers

3,441 online

14,271 members

Join the Cider Collective, a pioneering force in software. Your support gives you early access to new builds, letting you stay ahead of the curve. But it doesn’t stop there – your feedback matters to us. With priority feature requests, you directly shape our product development. Importantly, every contribution bolsters our dedicated team, directly funding developer payroll. By supporting Cider Collective, you're not just buying a product, but fueling innovation. Be part of our journey – support Cider Collective today, together let's shape the future of software.

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.





Join the Supporters! Subscribe now for exclusive chats to meet and mingle with other subscribers and get access to early builds that haven't hit the storefronts yet!


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • prereleases-archived


  • priority-feature-request-archived

    You're contributions are important to us! We'll try and make sure what you put down gets down if you catch my drift.

  • 🤵-supporters-chat

    Converse with your fellow supporters!

  • 📦-releases

    NOTE: Stable builds of Cider 2.0 are generally not provided here, you should always consider buying Cider from Steam or the Microsoft Store instead!


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Supporter-Only Chats

    Hangout with other supporters in exclusive spaces.

  • Early Builds

    Subscribers for this tier will recieve early builds and testing versions to gather opinions on features before they are officially implemented!

  • Our appreciation!

    If you purchase this tier we whole heartedly thank you! This provides the ability for us to continue paying our hardworking developers!

Supporter +




Take your exclusive access to the next-level chats and events in Supporter+ and get access to **even earlier** builds that haven't hit the storefronts yet!


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • 🪰-alpha-prereleases

    Alpha Releases!

  • ❗-max-priority-requests

    You're a star! (Or at least we think so.) So you deserve the best for you, let us help with that!

  • 🤘-hypesquad-general

    Converse with other Supporter + members and speak with staff directly on ideas!


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Supporter-Only Chats

    Hangout with other supporters in exclusive spaces.

  • Community Events & Q&As

    Join special events like AMAs and game nights.

  • Become one with Cider

    Get a permanently placed in Cider for supporting us!

  • EARLIER Builds

    Subscribers for this tier will receive even earlier builds alongside standard early release builds to allow you to really get a hold on how things are coming!

  • Our appreciation!

    If you purchase this tier we whole heartedly thank you! This provides the ability for us to continue paying our hardworking developers!

Unlock premium content

Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

Don't want special perks?

General access is just a click and a sign up away.

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