Discovery splash banner for Conan Gray Discord server
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Conan Gray

The official community on Discord dedicated to the American singer-songwriter, Conan Gray!

1,573 Online
19,128 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
August 29th, 2021
We host more than one event each month.
We offer a welcoming, diverse community!
Lots of chart and tour updates on Conan Gray.
Several Conan Gray fans to connect with!


We're the official Discord community centralized on the American singer-songwriter, Conan Gray. We're a server dedicated to discussing Gray's discography as well as generally chatting and making new friends.

We offer 150+ Conan emotes, 20+ stickers, lots of fun events, exclusive Conan content, and so much more. If you're unsure who Conan is, he is most known for his three albums "Kid Krow," "Superache, and "Found Heaven"!

We hope you consider joining us! See you soon!

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Discovery icon for Conan Gray Discord server

Conan Gray

The official community on Discord dedicated to the American singer-songwriter, Conan Gray!

1,573 Online
19,128 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
August 29th, 2021
We host more than one event each month.
We offer a welcoming, diverse community!
Lots of chart and tour updates on Conan Gray.
Several Conan Gray fans to connect with!


We're the official Discord community centralized on the American singer-songwriter, Conan Gray. We're a server dedicated to discussing Gray's discography as well as generally chatting and making new friends.

We offer 150+ Conan emotes, 20+ stickers, lots of fun events, exclusive Conan content, and so much more. If you're unsure who Conan is, he is most known for his three albums "Kid Krow," "Superache, and "Found Heaven"!

We hope you consider joining us! See you soon!

Supported Languages



General Chatting


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