Discovery splash banner for Continue Watching Discord server
Discovery icon for Continue Watching Discord server

Continue Watching

The server for streaming enthusiasts!

109 Online
1,046 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
August 19th, 2019
We have exciting conversations about all the great content of Disney+, HBO Max, Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, Paramount+, and more!
Need technical support for any of the streaming services? We've got you covered!
All inclusive server!


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Movies & TV
General Chatting
Discovery icon for Continue Watching Discord server

Continue Watching

The server for streaming enthusiasts!

109 Online
1,046 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
August 19th, 2019
We have exciting conversations about all the great content of Disney+, HBO Max, Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, Paramount+, and more!
Need technical support for any of the streaming services? We've got you covered!
All inclusive server!


Supported Languages



Movies & TV
General Chatting
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Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
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