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Critical Thinking Podcast


Server subscribers

588 online

3,380 members

By becoming a paid members, you can help us produce better content and get access to exclusive content such as masterclasses, trainings, n-days, scripts/automation, new techniques, etc.

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Discovery icon for Critical Thinking Podcast Discord server

Critical Thinking Podcast


Server subscribers

588 online

3,380 members

By becoming a paid members, you can help us produce better content and get access to exclusive content such as masterclasses, trainings, n-days, scripts/automation, new techniques, etc.

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.





Join the Supporters tier! Subscribe now to help support the podcast and to chat and hang out with other subscribers.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • supporter-updates

    Get notified about streams, events, and more.

  • supporter-chat

    Meet, mix, and mingle with fellow supporters.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Supporter-Only Chats

    Hangout with other supporters in exclusive spaces.

  • Support Our Work

    Get a shoutout for supporting the CTBB podcast team.

Big Thinker




This tier gives you access to all the things you get as a Supporter, but with access to our exclusive data stream channels that drop bugs in your lap and keep you up-to-date on bug bounty changes.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • supporter-chat

    Meet, mix, and mingle with fellow supporters.

  • ask-us-anything

    Get access to exclusive events, panels, and Q&As!


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Data Streams

    Discord data streams for Chromium's Intent-To-Ship, Justin's custom WordPress plugin scanner, and more!

Critical Thinker




Welcome to the inner circle. As a Critical Thinker, you get access to benefits including INSTANT access to: exclusive guides/blueprints | recordings of trainings & masterclasses by top hackers | a high-volume private channel with the hosts and guests | hack-alongs | private n-days | private scripts, automations, plugins, etc | a direct line to the pod to showcase YOUR bugs | discounts and extended trials on hacking software AND a shit ton more.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • critical-thinkers

    a high-volume, high-value private hacker chat. The inner-circle with the hosts and guests.

  • exclusive-content

    The goodies - top hacker trainings, private n-days, masterclasses, hack-alongs, private scripts, its all in here.

  • critical-thinkers-pin

    The squad gives back - a bunch of sick tips from top hackers and the CT fam.

  • masterclass

    Watch and collab as we hack on targets!


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Exclusive Guides/Blueprints

    15-pagers on how to crush it in the web hacking world.

  • MasterClasses

    Hear from industry experts on their bread-and-butter. Only for you.

  • Hack-Alongs

    Let's all go crush a target together.

  • N-days and PoCs

    As soon as we get our hands on high-value n-days and PoCs, we'll drop them to you.

  • Spray & Pray Services

    We've partnered with top recon-bois (automationists) to distribute any N-days you've found across all programs on all platforms and maximize your returns.

  • Data Streams

    Discord data streams for Chromium's Intent-To-Ship, Justin's custom WordPress plugin scanner, and more!

  • Support Our Work

    Get a shoutout for supporting the CTBB podcast team.

Unlock premium content

Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

Don't want special perks?

General access is just a click and a sign up away.

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