The Official Discord Server of DAN7EH. Chat with the community about games such as Fortnite STW or any other topics.
This server is the Official server for the YouTuber, DAN7EH. In this community you can find other people with similar interests to you. It is a great place to chat, chill and find new people to play games with such as Fortnite. This server is the home to the LARGEST Fortnite Save The World trading community. Giveaways are hosted daily with enormous prizes, along with discord and fortnite events happening live. Interested in Fortnite stw trading, this is the server for you!
The Official Discord Server of DAN7EH. Chat with the community about games such as Fortnite STW or any other topics.
This server is the Official server for the YouTuber, DAN7EH. In this community you can find other people with similar interests to you. It is a great place to chat, chill and find new people to play games with such as Fortnite. This server is the home to the LARGEST Fortnite Save The World trading community. Giveaways are hosted daily with enormous prizes, along with discord and fortnite events happening live. Interested in Fortnite stw trading, this is the server for you!