Dirtbag Gaming
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-------------------------------------------Dirtbag City Life Server------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom NPC Mod Customizable Guns Custom Rentable/Cusomizable player houses Tons of decorative items In-Game Voice Chat Multiple Professions Custom Police Mod Physical Curranty Custom Economy Mod Multiple Play Style's --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirtbag City is a place you can come to blow off some steam after a long day or gnawn your way thru to the top of city. We offer growable illegal Substance's, guns, cars, player business's customizable apartments and house's a in depth police system w/ a custom npc mod. There is always plenty to do if you want to stick to a straight edge and avoid the law to from farming, quests and owning your own legal business theres endless possiblite's and with bi-weekly updates we promise this is something you want to check out.
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