Helpful and fun community for expats living in the Netherlands, foreigners considering a move, and Dutch people.
Who better to talk about this server than our regular members? "meet cool people" "complain about NS" "share experiences" "good information from actual humans, better than Google" "game night and Taaluurtje" "many people in similar situations who can share how it's like, tips and tricks, etc." "a good place to find friends IRL or online" "good useful roles" "not full of spam, bots, NSFW... Friendly for all ages" "epic emojis" "making contacts and socializing with people in your goal country (if you're planning to move)" "get info or advice from real humans with experience" "hanging out with a friendly community" "dad jokes"
Helpful and fun community for expats living in the Netherlands, foreigners considering a move, and Dutch people.
Who better to talk about this server than our regular members? "meet cool people" "complain about NS" "share experiences" "good information from actual humans, better than Google" "game night and Taaluurtje" "many people in similar situations who can share how it's like, tips and tricks, etc." "a good place to find friends IRL or online" "good useful roles" "not full of spam, bots, NSFW... Friendly for all ages" "epic emojis" "making contacts and socializing with people in your goal country (if you're planning to move)" "get info or advice from real humans with experience" "hanging out with a friendly community" "dad jokes"