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Discovery icon for Grand Gurley Generation Discord server

Grand Gurley Generation


Server subscribers

7 online

29 members

Joining the community and all major exhibits are free! Read the Rules, specify your Roles, make an Introduction, and request Verification to access the full server. "Now presenting the genesis of a new community centered on creativity, learning, and fun. Built from the ground up by yours truly, this server is free to join and for anyone looking to expand their creative horizons and have a welcoming place to chat. Of course this includes musicians, but all walks of life are welcome to join, collaborate, share, and learn. In the past few years, I've encountered numerous creative communities, and from those encounters I put together what is meant to be an all-encompassing, streamlined experience. Something along the lines of 'if you could only be in one place then this is the place to be.' 🤭 Beyond that, it will also be somewhere to stay up to date on my various creations - musical or otherwise. There may even be some exclusive sneak peaks and leaks! 🤫" If you'd like to support Gurley in his endeavors - be it musically, politically, or otherwise - feel free to subscribe. Of course, that's up to you, and whether it is worth it, well, only time will tell...

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Discovery icon for Grand Gurley Generation Discord server

Grand Gurley Generation


Server subscribers

7 online

29 members

Joining the community and all major exhibits are free! Read the Rules, specify your Roles, make an Introduction, and request Verification to access the full server. "Now presenting the genesis of a new community centered on creativity, learning, and fun. Built from the ground up by yours truly, this server is free to join and for anyone looking to expand their creative horizons and have a welcoming place to chat. Of course this includes musicians, but all walks of life are welcome to join, collaborate, share, and learn. In the past few years, I've encountered numerous creative communities, and from those encounters I put together what is meant to be an all-encompassing, streamlined experience. Something along the lines of 'if you could only be in one place then this is the place to be.' 🤭 Beyond that, it will also be somewhere to stay up to date on my various creations - musical or otherwise. There may even be some exclusive sneak peaks and leaks! 🤫" If you'd like to support Gurley in his endeavors - be it musically, politically, or otherwise - feel free to subscribe. Of course, that's up to you, and whether it is worth it, well, only time will tell...

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Slow clap for the generosity! 👏 A true grand knight. 🛡️ May your future be bright. 🔆


Express yourself like no one else.


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  • 🛡knights-table

    Lay your swords by the door.

  • The Knights

    Discuss knightly things daily.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Sneak Peaks

    Looks and listens at what I'm up to.





A round of applause for the generosity! 👏👏 A true grand noble. 🫅 May your future be bountiful. 💰


Express yourself like no one else.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • 🫅nobility

    Ahh yes very good yes indubitably.

  • The Nobles

    Discuss noble things nobly.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Sneak Peaks and Leaks

    First looks and listens at what I'm up to.





A standing ovation for the generosity! 👏👏👏 A true grand mage. 🧙 May your future reach beyond the stars. 🌠


Express yourself like no one else.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • 🧙mages-sanctum

    Hello, fellow traveler!

  • The Mages

    Discuss mage things majorly.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Sneak Peaks And Leaks

    First looks and listens at what I'm up to.

  • Bandcamp Code

    A code that gives you my album Control on Bandcamp.

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