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Grinding ✧ Implants ✧ NFC/RFID


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252 members

The official server for advanced biohackers, AKA grinders, or body modders! This server discusses body modification, implants, and more. We like to talk about subdermal implants including but not limiting: NFC(Near-FIeld Communication)/RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) implants, biomagnets(subdermal bio-safe coated magnets to sense electromagnetic fields), and citizen-science projects in advanced body modification and biohacking. Please note you must generally be 18 years or older to utilize any subdermal implants. Anyone is free to learn about NFC/RFID and similar technologies and their respectives applications discussed within this sever with parental permission. The International Biohacking Community is the digital home of biohackers. The International Biohacking Community is a place where people across the globe can share information on their experiments, learning, and development on things from subdermal electronics systems to CRISPR protocols. Keywords: Josh Habka, Biohacking Discord, Biohacker Discord, Biohackers Digital, Biohack.Me, Biohack Me, Dangerous Things, Vivokey, Nootropics, International Biohacking Community, Longevity Village, Augmentation Limitless, Subdermal Implants, RFID implants, CRISPR Discord, RFID Discord, Transhumanist Discord, Transhumanism Discord

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Discovery icon for Grinding ✧ Implants ✧ NFC/RFID Discord server

Grinding ✧ Implants ✧ NFC/RFID


Server subscribers

36 online

252 members

The official server for advanced biohackers, AKA grinders, or body modders! This server discusses body modification, implants, and more. We like to talk about subdermal implants including but not limiting: NFC(Near-FIeld Communication)/RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) implants, biomagnets(subdermal bio-safe coated magnets to sense electromagnetic fields), and citizen-science projects in advanced body modification and biohacking. Please note you must generally be 18 years or older to utilize any subdermal implants. Anyone is free to learn about NFC/RFID and similar technologies and their respectives applications discussed within this sever with parental permission. The International Biohacking Community is the digital home of biohackers. The International Biohacking Community is a place where people across the globe can share information on their experiments, learning, and development on things from subdermal electronics systems to CRISPR protocols. Keywords: Josh Habka, Biohacking Discord, Biohacker Discord, Biohackers Digital, Biohack.Me, Biohack Me, Dangerous Things, Vivokey, Nootropics, International Biohacking Community, Longevity Village, Augmentation Limitless, Subdermal Implants, RFID implants, CRISPR Discord, RFID Discord, Transhumanist Discord, Transhumanism Discord

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