HalfastMC Discord
Server subscribers
30 online
264 members
Subscribe to the Discord to get in-game perks, access to private channels, and most of all - Support the server financially!
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Server subscribers
30 online
264 members
Subscribe to the Discord to get in-game perks, access to private channels, and most of all - Support the server financially!
Join ServerWatch the trailer
Server subscribers
30 online
264 members
Subscribe to the Discord to get in-game perks, access to private channels, and most of all - Support the server financially!
Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.
The most budget friendly way to support HalfastMC financially! In-Game Perks: - Receive the [Warrior] Prefix Rank on the Server. - No Chat Cooldown - Control your PlayerParticles using /pp - 1 Particle (loaded at a time) - 1 Fixed Effect (loaded at a time) - 1 Saved Group - Control your FixedParticles using /pp fixed - 1 Fixed Particle Discord Perks: - Receive the [Warrior] Prefix Rank on the Discord. - Access to [Warrior] Emojis - Access to Server VIP Lounge channel
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
[Warrior] Prefix
Receive the [Warrior] Prefix Rank on the Server.
Faster Chatting
No Chat Cooldown, message as much as you want!
Enable Particles
Play in the server with style with access to /playerparticles (/pp)
A great way to support HalfastMC financially! In-Game Perks: - [Knight] Prefix - Faster Chatting - /Fly in Spawn Area - Control your PlayerParticles using /pp - 2 Particles (loaded at a time) - 2 Fixed Effects (loaded at a time) - 2 Saved Groups - Control your FixedParticles using /pp fixed - 2 Fixed Particles Discord Perks: - Receive the [Knight] Prefix Rank on the Discord. - Access to Knight rank Emojis - Access to Server VIP Lounge channel
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
[Knight] Prefix
Receive the [Knight] Prefix Rank on the Server.
/Fly in Spawn Area
Get access to fly around the lobby/spawn area and look down on everyone else.
Faster Chatting
No Chat Cooldown, message as much as you want!
Particles & Trails
Play in the server with style with access to /playerparticles (/pp)
A great way to support HalfastMC financially! In-Game Perks: - [Sorcerer] Prefix - Faster Chatting - /Fly in Spawn Area - Colorful Chat! - Control your PlayerParticles using /pp - 3 Particles (loaded at a time) - 3 Fixed Effects (loaded at a time) - 3 Saved Groups - Control your FixedParticles using /pp fixed - 3 Fixed Particles Discord Perks: - Receive the [Sorcerer] Prefix Rank on the Discord. - Access to [Sorcerer] rank Emojis - Access to Server VIP Lounge channel
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
[Sorcerer] Prefix
Receive the [Sorcerer] Prefix Rank on the Server.
Faster Chatting
No Chat Cooldown, message as much as you want!
Particles & Trails & Gadgets
Play in the server with style with access to /playerparticles (/pp)
/Fly in Spawn Area
Get access to fly around the lobby/spawn area and look down on everyone else.
Colorful Chat
Chat in style, gain access to changing the color of your in-game chat!
Unlock premium content
Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.
Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*
Recent Activity
Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*