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Heatblur Simulations

Welcome to Heatblur Simulations, home of award-winning flight simulation products such as DCS: AJS-37 and DCS: F-14 A/B.

3,185 Online
14,606 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
February 4th, 2023
Explore the world of Heatblur Simulations. Get firsthand news on our products. Discuss with the Devs.
Join the Heatblur Community, there is always something new to learn!
Give us your feedback on our products, suggestions and leave bug reports.
Discover Heatblur Events, find players to fly with and enjoy yourself!


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Customer Support
Science & Tech
Game Developer


Discovery icon for Heatblur Simulations Discord server

Heatblur Simulations

Welcome to Heatblur Simulations, home of award-winning flight simulation products such as DCS: AJS-37 and DCS: F-14 A/B.

3,185 Online
14,606 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
February 4th, 2023
Explore the world of Heatblur Simulations. Get firsthand news on our products. Discuss with the Devs.
Join the Heatblur Community, there is always something new to learn!
Give us your feedback on our products, suggestions and leave bug reports.
Discover Heatblur Events, find players to fly with and enjoy yourself!


Supported Languages



Customer Support
Science & Tech
Game Developer


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