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Justin Bieber

The Official r/JUSTINBIEBER Discord server and the largest belieber community out there! Join us today!

135 Online
2,249 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
March 23rd, 2021
Meet beliebers from all around the world!
Get notified on the latest news related to Justin Bieber!
Bieber conversations all day long!
Off topic channels to talk about other topics with like minded people!


The first, biggest, and most active server dedicated to the award-winning Canadian pop star, Justin Bieber. We are affiliated with the official Justin Bieber subreddit as well as the most in-depth Justin Bieber wiki on fandom! We have variety of channels such as updates on his music, drew house drops as well as his current Justice World Tour where you can chat with other like-minded Beliebers! Come and join us today!

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Wiki & Guide
General Chatting
Discovery icon for Justin Bieber Discord server

Justin Bieber

The Official r/JUSTINBIEBER Discord server and the largest belieber community out there! Join us today!

135 Online
2,249 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
March 23rd, 2021
Meet beliebers from all around the world!
Get notified on the latest news related to Justin Bieber!
Bieber conversations all day long!
Off topic channels to talk about other topics with like minded people!


The first, biggest, and most active server dedicated to the award-winning Canadian pop star, Justin Bieber. We are affiliated with the official Justin Bieber subreddit as well as the most in-depth Justin Bieber wiki on fandom! We have variety of channels such as updates on his music, drew house drops as well as his current Justice World Tour where you can chat with other like-minded Beliebers! Come and join us today!

Supported Languages



Wiki & Guide
General Chatting
Find a place where you belong
Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
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