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Discovery icon for Let's Chat Discord server

Let's Chat


Server subscribers

2,191 online

41,107 members

Show your support and help cover the hosting and upkeep of our Discord bots as well!

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Discovery icon for Let's Chat Discord server

Let's Chat


Server subscribers

2,191 online

41,107 members

Show your support and help cover the hosting and upkeep of our Discord bots as well!

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.





The cheapest Discord would let us make it. For those who just want to show their support and show some love!


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Channel Perks

    Early access to #suggestions, early post creation in our forums, and various other perks.

  • Bonus XP (+1 XP)

    You get an additional +1 XP per message in addition to the default XP gain. As a result, if you're active, you'll level up faster. Please do not abuse/spam.

  • Rank 1 Access + Rank 2 Access

    Get "Rank 1 Access" early, regardless of server level roles. Also gain "Rank 2 Access" if other requirements are met.





This better helps with our bots' server costs. Plus it really just goes to show you like the server that much (which btw thank you ily). Shh, that's between us.


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Supporter Benefits

    Receive all the benefits from the Supporter tier.

  • Pictures & Embeds

    Get image and link embeds for most channels in the server!

  • Secret Bot-Testing Channels

    Access to Matt's old bot-testing channel and hidden voice channel. (Mostly for novelty; they aren't used as much nowadays, but they're still exclusive!)





The $6.99 role. NICE. This goes above and beyond, and honestly, is partly there for the memes.


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Pay-to-Win Benefits

    Receive all the benefits from the Pay-to-Win tier.

  • Bonus XP (+2 XP)

    This benefit is the same as the other tiers, except that you get +2 XP per message rather than 1. Please do not abuse/spam.

  • Unban Token

    Get 1 free Unban Token! Must use `!unban` to enable and token will be lost if no longer elitist. Only usable bi-monthly for unban.

  • Unban Token - DISCLAIMER:

    Violation of US law or other extreme offenses may not be eligible for unban. Command limited to 2 month user-based cooldown to avoid subscription abuse.

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Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

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