Discovery splash banner for Love Thy Nerd Discord server
Discovery icon for Love Thy Nerd Discord server

Love Thy Nerd

Love Thy Nerd is a safe place for people to come and talk about all the nerdy things going on in their life.

210 Online
1,587 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
September 13th, 2018
We are a safe place to nerd out and meet new people
We are an active community of people who care for each other
We host frequent game nights online for tabletop and video games
There is more than likely people here that love the same things you do


Supported Languages

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General Chatting
Anime & Manga
Movies & TV
Comics & Cartoons
Charity & Nonprofit


Discovery icon for Love Thy Nerd Discord server

Love Thy Nerd

Love Thy Nerd is a safe place for people to come and talk about all the nerdy things going on in their life.

210 Online
1,587 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
September 13th, 2018
We are a safe place to nerd out and meet new people
We are an active community of people who care for each other
We host frequent game nights online for tabletop and video games
There is more than likely people here that love the same things you do


Supported Languages



General Chatting
Anime & Manga
Movies & TV
Comics & Cartoons
Charity & Nonprofit


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