Discovery splash banner for Marvel Studios Discord server
Discovery icon for Marvel Studios Discord server

Marvel Studios

Home of the largest Marvel Studios film and television fan community on Discord. Join and share your love of the MCU!

7,311 Online
57,247 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
January 19th, 2017
Chat with other Marvel fans!
Talk about the latest MCU film or episode!
Participate in exciting community events and competitions!
Be informed of the latest MCU news instantly!


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Movies & TV
Comics & Cartoons
Discovery icon for Marvel Studios Discord server

Marvel Studios

Home of the largest Marvel Studios film and television fan community on Discord. Join and share your love of the MCU!

7,311 Online
57,247 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
January 19th, 2017
Chat with other Marvel fans!
Talk about the latest MCU film or episode!
Participate in exciting community events and competitions!
Be informed of the latest MCU news instantly!


Supported Languages



Movies & TV
Comics & Cartoons
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Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
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