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Discovery icon for Microsoft EMS Community Discord server

Microsoft EMS Community

Join the Enterprise Mobility + Security Community! Chat or ask questions about all things Intune, Entra or XDR!

341 Online
2,311 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
August 13th, 2022
Connect with Microsoft Professionals and MVP's
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Ask questions and get assistance with your problem


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Discovery icon for Microsoft EMS Community Discord server

Microsoft EMS Community

Join the Enterprise Mobility + Security Community! Chat or ask questions about all things Intune, Entra or XDR!

341 Online
2,311 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
August 13th, 2022
Connect with Microsoft Professionals and MVP's
Never miss the latest news about Microsoft technology
Participate in podcasts and live events
Ask questions and get assistance with your problem


Supported Languages



Science & Tech
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Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
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