NA Open
Server subscribers
80,533 online
486.9K members
Help support NA Open & gain tons of extra perks, channels, benefits and much more! View perks below!
Join Server165
Server subscribers
80,533 online
486.9K members
Help support NA Open & gain tons of extra perks, channels, benefits and much more! View perks below!
Join Server165
Server subscribers
80,533 online
486.9K members
Help support NA Open & gain tons of extra perks, channels, benefits and much more! View perks below!
Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.
Social perks all the fun stuff to make your chatting experience in NA opens brighter! All funds go straight back into the discord to fund tournaments, scrims, giveaway's and more.
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Create your own voice channels to use in NA Opens. Yourself being the power to add or remove others!
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Nickname permissions, change your server display name at any given time!
Picture Perms
Share photos with the discord server in #scrims-chat
A couple must-have perks that will enhance your stay with NA Central. All funds go straight back into the discord to fund tournaments, scrims, giveaway's and more.
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Stats check your friends & people from the discord server with a simple command!
Didn't qualify to finals? Our staff are always looking for fills to participate in our finals games if were looking for more teams!
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Hoisted Role
Displayed at the TOP over all the others server members on the member list.
Reaction perms
Reaction permissions in #scrims-chat
Priority Modmail
Get your reports handled first with Priority Modmail! Every modmail you send goes straight to the top, ensuring faster responses and quicker resolutions.
The best of the best perks. ALL the Must-have discord channels from inside the discord to our official website page. All funds go straight back into the discord to fund tournaments, scrims, giveaway's and more.
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Promote your social's with the discord and grow your socials!
Can't Verify through Yunite? Get instant access to our #looking-for-players channel
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Role Color
Special role color, that STANDS out in the discord server!
Voice Messages
Send voice messages throughout the server
Unlock premium content
Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.
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Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*