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Server subscribers

31 online

131 members

Subscribe to NFTV a blockchain social media hub for tokenized creators and businesses with a purpose around the world. Discover and network with creators and businesses near you with the most love ranked on our Discord leaderboard. NFTV is part of the BET [Bitcoin Entertainment TV] Web5 purpose economy. We solved business scams with Love money ($LUV L$VE $RNT), LUV NFTs and we pay you in Bitcoin monthly to learn B-commerce (Bitcoin commerce) and D-commerce (Digital asset commerce). Love money is accepted on all of the BET Discord platforms. Do what you love for a living by helping others find their purpose and by accepting Love money. "IN L$VE WE TRUST"

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Server subscribers

31 online

131 members

Subscribe to NFTV a blockchain social media hub for tokenized creators and businesses with a purpose around the world. Discover and network with creators and businesses near you with the most love ranked on our Discord leaderboard. NFTV is part of the BET [Bitcoin Entertainment TV] Web5 purpose economy. We solved business scams with Love money ($LUV L$VE $RNT), LUV NFTs and we pay you in Bitcoin monthly to learn B-commerce (Bitcoin commerce) and D-commerce (Digital asset commerce). Love money is accepted on all of the BET Discord platforms. Do what you love for a living by helping others find their purpose and by accepting Love money. "IN L$VE WE TRUST"

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Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.





Brokers learn: ➖D-commerce (digital asset commerce) ➖B-commerce (Bitcoin asset commerce) ➖How to tokenize the world as a LUV NFT in the Web5 purpose economy. Brokers earn: ➖ 33% of each subscription invite ➖ 3% royalties from everything they broker as a Tokenopoly LNE (LUV NFT ESTATE). ➖ Crypto playing blockchain games Brokers don't need to: ➖ Own crypto ➖ Own a website ➖ Create marketing materials because all of the marketing materials are created by LUV NFT. Every Broker earns: ➖XP points ➖Love money ($LUV L$VE $RNT) for every Zealy quest completed and Discord action to climb the leaderboard to award the top Web5 Brokers around the world annually at our NFTV Award show. ➖100% of the proceeds from every LUV NFT sale Chief Bitcoin Officer: ➖The blockchain NFT thought leader The Wizard of Hahz mentors blockchain Brokers with daily BLKCAST (Blockchain podcasts) in the #Brocast channel and unlimited guidance. Level up to become a Chief Bitcoin Officer that accepts Bitcoin $CBO tokens for your services.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • 🃏-game-room

    Play games for $LUV

  • 📍-digital-real-estate

    Learn the blockchain game you own.

  • 🤜🏻🤛🏿-market

    Discuss the NFT market

  • 🎤-BROcast

    Brokers Podcast.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • 33 Bitcoin L$VE

    Receive 33 Bitcoin L$VE the second month of subscribing as your first UBI (Universal Bitcoin Income) check airdropped in your Bitcoin wallet. Doubling monthly.

  • 20K ONE $LUV

    Receive 20K ONE $LUV to play on games or invest in Tokenize Tank.

  • Web5 PR

    One PR (Press Release) explaining your Web5 project and purpose

  • Web5 Bank Account

    Free branded (your web5 name).luv Polygon Web5 bank account for your monthly $LUV check

  • 🆓 One Free LUV NFT

    Tokenize your services to create a new crypto income stream

  • 🟪 Blockchain Income

    Learn how to earn crypto in the new digital economy.

  • 🌐 Network

    Network with real people around the world with no weird algorithms

  • 💯 Ownership

    Learn d-commerce and b-commerce




Start free trial

Learn how to tokenize your business services and products as a LUV NFT mapped to a unique three-word location anywhere in the world. LUV NFTs are unique tokenized digital assets that represent ownership of a specific location in the real world. By tokenizing your business services and products, you can create a new revenue stream and reach a wider audience. Biz learn: ➖D-commerce (digital asset commerce) ➖B-commerce (Bitcoin asset commerce) ➖How to tokenize your Biz as a LUV NFT in the Web5 purpose economy. Biz earn: ➖ 100% from their LUV NFT sales ➖ 33% of each subscription invite ➖ 3% royalties from seconday sales of their biz they tokenize as a Tokenopoly LNE (LUV NFT ESTATE) ➖ Crypto playing blockchain games Biz don't need to: ➖ Own crypto - Promote your Biz for crypto ➖ Own a website - Promote your Biz on the Block it's minted on ➖ Create marketing materials - All of the marketing materials are created by LUV NFT. Every Biz earns: ➖XP points ➖Love money ($LUV L$VE $RNT) and XP for all Discord posts and Zealy L$VE quests ➖100% of the proceeds from every LUV NFT sale Fractionalized Chief Bitcoin Officer: ➖The blockchain NFT thought leader The Wizard of Hahz mentors blockchain Biz with daily BLKCAST (Blockchain podcasts) in the #one-mic channel and unlimited guidance.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • 💕-barter

    Barter $LUV or LUV NFTS for services and products.

  • 📣-biz-market

    Promote your LNE biz

  • 🏪-biz

    Market your store that accepts $LUV or LUV NFTs

  • 🎙-one-mic

    Business podcast

  • 🏊🏽-pooliq

    Discuss the market and learn how to pool money together with your tribe.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • 99 Bitcoin L$VE

    Receive 99 Bitcoin L$VE the second month of subscribing as your first UBI (Universal Bitcoin Income) check airdropped in your Bitcoin wallet. Doubling monthly.

  • 100K ONE $LUV

    Receive 100K ONE $LUV to pay a staff of VULunteers.

  • 🆓 Web5 PR (Press Release)

    One PR (Press Release) explaining your Web5 project and purpose

  • 🆓 (Branded name).LUV Web5 Bank Account

    Free branded (your web5 name).luv Polygon Web5 bank account for your monthly $LUV check

  • 🆓 Branded email address

    Free branded (your web5 business) email address

  • 🆓 One Free LUV NFT

    Any business that signs up receives one free LUV NFT

  • 🆓 Web5 Website

    One free Web5 website for your Web5 Biz

  • 💯% Ownership

    Learn d-commerce and b-commerce

  • 🤴🏽👸🏽 Guides

    Receive guidance from from the founders of LUV NFT Hahz & Candy aka The Wizard of Hahz & Dr. Terry




Start free trial

Learn how to tokenize your property as a LUV NFT mapped to a unique three-word location anywhere in the world. LNElords learn: ➖D-commerce (digital asset commerce) ➖B-commerce (Bitcoin asset commerce) ➖How to tokenize your property or a property you want to own as a LUV NFT in the Web5 purpose economy. ➖How to pay Brokers in $RNT commission LNElords earn: ➖ 100% from their LNE sales ➖ 33% of each subscription invite ➖ 3% royalties from secondary sales of their properties they tokenize as a Tokenopoly LNE (LUV NFT ESTATE) ➖ Crypto playing blockchain games ➖ Accepting $RNT LNElords don't need to: ➖ Own crypto - Promote your real estate for crypto ➖ Own a website - Promote your LNE on the Block it's minted on ➖ Create marketing materials - All of the marketing materials are created by LUV NFT. Every LNElords earns: ➖XP points ➖Love money ($LUV L$VE $RNT) and XP for all Discord posts and Zealy L$VE quests ➖100% of the proceeds from every LUV NFT sold Fractionalized Chief Bitcoin Officer: ➖The pioneer of tokenizing real estate as a LUV NFT, blockchain NFT thought leader The Wizard of Hahz mentors blockchain LNElords


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • 🗣-lne-news

    LNElord news

  • 💶-rnt-ads

    Promote your RNTals

  • 🎟-trouble-ticket

    Report trouble

  • 📣-LNEcast

    LNElord podcast

  • 👑-lnelords

    Network with LNElords around the world


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • 99 Bitcoin L$VE

    Receive 99 Bitcoin L$VE the second month of subscribing as your first UBI (Universal Bitcoin Income) check airdropped in your Bitcoin wallet. Doubling monthly.

  • 100K $LUV

    Receive 100K ONE $LUV to pay a staff of VULunteers.

  • 🆓 (Branded name).LUV Web5 Bank Account

    Free branded (your web5 name).luv Polygon Web5 bank account for your monthly $LUV check

  • 🆓 Web5 PR (Press release)

    One PR (Press Release) explaining your Web5 project and purpose

  • 🆓 Branded email address

    Free branded (your web5 business) email address

  • 💯% Ownership

    Learn d-commerce, b-commerce and how to tokenize the world.

  • 🟧 Blockchain Income

    Learn how to earn Bitcoin in the new digital economy.

  • 🌐 Network

    Network with a Biz or Broker with no middleman

  • 🤴🏽👸🏽 Guides

    Receive guidance from from the founders of LUV NFT Hahz & Candy aka The Wizard of Hahz & Dr.Terry

  • 🆓 One Free LUV NFT

    Any business that signs up receives one free LUV NFT

  • Accept Bitcoin $RNT

    Learn how to accept Bitcoin $RNT

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Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

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1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

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