Discovery splash banner for Oceanside Roleplay™ Discord server
Discovery icon for Oceanside Roleplay™ Discord server

Oceanside Roleplay™


Server subscribers

367 online

7,133 members

Our subscriptions include exclusive events and giveaways, access to premium areas, and much more. You will receive regular updates and new content. You also will have access to a wide range of features and benefits that will make your experience even more exciting and enjoyable!

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Discovery icon for Oceanside Roleplay™ Discord server

Oceanside Roleplay™


Server subscribers

367 online

7,133 members

Our subscriptions include exclusive events and giveaways, access to premium areas, and much more. You will receive regular updates and new content. You also will have access to a wide range of features and benefits that will make your experience even more exciting and enjoyable!

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.




Start free trial

With a bronze tier subscription, members can take their gaming experience to the next level and enjoy all that Oceanside Roleplay has to offer.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • subscriber-announcements

    See the latest news regarding Oceanside Subscribers, this is where you'll access some of your perks.

  • create-voicechat

    As you join this channel, you will be able to create your own voicechat while you're subscribed! You can edit who is able to join your voicechat and who isn't.

  • subscriber-chat

    Exclusive channel to where you can connect with other subscribers of Oceanside Roleplay.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Subscriber Star On Name

    Subscribers get a ⭐ next to their name, to show their support for Oceanside Roleplay.

  • Bronze Tier Role

    You will be given a special role that indicates your Bronze tier status and gives you recognition in the discord community.

  • Early Access

    Silver tier subscribers will be the first to know about new features, updates, and events, giving you a head start on the competition.

  • Out of Server Emoji

    Oceanside Bronze can send out of server emoji in any part of Oceanside Roleplay.

  • Nickname Change

    We allow you to change your nickname in our server as long as it has your Roblox username in it.

  • Automod Bypass

    As a Bronze Tier subscriber, you will be allowed to bypass auto-moderator system in our server.

  • Priority Support

    Your support requests will be answered before those of non-subscribers.

  • Soundboard

    All subscribers can use a detailed soundboard in our server.





With a silver tier subscription, members can take advantage of what Bronze has to offer, and more exclusive benefits to Silver!


Express yourself like no one else.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

Contains all the same channels as



Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Everything from Bronze Tier & More

    You will have all of the amazing perks and benefits from the lower tier, even with some additions.

  • Silver Tier Role

    You will be given a special role that indicates your Silver tier status and gives you recognition in the discord community.

  • Custom Emojis (Even without nitro!)

    You will have access to exclusive custom emojis that are only available to Silver Subscribers.

  • Skip Ban Appeal Wait

    We will prioritize your appeal over the others. Instead of waiting up to 7 days for your appeal to be read, it may be read as fast as possible!

  • Link & Image Access

    As a Silver Tier subscriber, you are able to send images and links anywhere in our server!

  • Early Access

    Silver tier subscribers will be the first to know about new features, updates, and events, giving you a head start on the competition.

  • Ride Alongs

    Silver Subscribers can request to ride along with any of our staff members.





With a Gold tier subscription, members can take advantage of what Bronze and Silver has to offer, and obtain more exclusive benefits than the previous tiers had.


Express yourself like no one else.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

Contains all the same channels as



Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Everything from Bronze Tier, Silver Tier & More

    You will have all of the amazing perks and benefits from the lower tiers, even with some additions.

  • Gold Tier Role

    You will be given a special role that indicates your Silver tier status and gives you recognition in the discord community.

  • Skip Application Wait

    Gold tier subscribers are able to have their roleplay application be read when they ask us.

  • Custom Nickname

    You're able to change your nickname, as long as it has your Roblox username involved.

  • Staff VoiceChat

    Gold tier subscribers can join the staff voice chat anytime they want to.

  • Staff Events

    Ability to join Oceanside Roleplay staff gamenights and events without being staff.

  • Bypass Ping

    Gold subscribers can bypass the ping restriction, as well as the message that comes with it.

Unlock premium content

Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

Don't want special perks?

General access is just a click and a sign up away.

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