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PS99 Trading/Selling

Welcome to Pet Sim 99 Trading/Selling! Make sure to join our server if you enjoy trading in PS99 and FREE giveaways!

3,174 Online
36,257 Members
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Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
October 17th, 2021
We host daily giveaways!
We have active chatters everyday!
You can trade with anyone in the server!
Fun experience for everyone!


This server is meant for anyone that plays Pet Simulator 99. Pet Simulator 99 is a Roblox game that is very enjoyable with others or by yourself. You go around breaking chests, hatching eggs for pets, and then you trade those pets with other people for profit or just for fun! This server can help you get free pets or trade your pets easily! With our many trading channels it is very simple to just join the server and start trading! You’ll be surprised how quick you get someone already asking to buy your pet! We like to giveaway really good pets for free. There’s usually no requirements to join the giveaways because we want everyone to be happy and be able to join the giveaways! Yes, there are many other Pet Simulator 99 trading servers out there, but this server is different, this server is special. This server has been running for over a year now and we’re just getting started! We’ve had the experience and know what happens whenever something good or bad happens. So if you catch a scammer out there make sure to report it to us so we can help stop every single one of them out there! Well thank you for reading this long message, hopefully we’ll see you here sometime soon, Bye!

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Discovery icon for PS99 Trading/Selling Discord server

PS99 Trading/Selling

Welcome to Pet Sim 99 Trading/Selling! Make sure to join our server if you enjoy trading in PS99 and FREE giveaways!

3,174 Online
36,257 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
October 17th, 2021
We host daily giveaways!
We have active chatters everyday!
You can trade with anyone in the server!
Fun experience for everyone!


This server is meant for anyone that plays Pet Simulator 99. Pet Simulator 99 is a Roblox game that is very enjoyable with others or by yourself. You go around breaking chests, hatching eggs for pets, and then you trade those pets with other people for profit or just for fun! This server can help you get free pets or trade your pets easily! With our many trading channels it is very simple to just join the server and start trading! You’ll be surprised how quick you get someone already asking to buy your pet! We like to giveaway really good pets for free. There’s usually no requirements to join the giveaways because we want everyone to be happy and be able to join the giveaways! Yes, there are many other Pet Simulator 99 trading servers out there, but this server is different, this server is special. This server has been running for over a year now and we’re just getting started! We’ve had the experience and know what happens whenever something good or bad happens. So if you catch a scammer out there make sure to report it to us so we can help stop every single one of them out there! Well thank you for reading this long message, hopefully we’ll see you here sometime soon, Bye!

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