Pokket's Dojo
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555 online
1,704 members
Join the Community and become a Ninja today! Get access to all the exclusive benefits including Community Servers, Behind the Scenes, Cosplays & More!
Join Server11
Server subscribers
555 online
1,704 members
Join the Community and become a Ninja today! Get access to all the exclusive benefits including Community Servers, Behind the Scenes, Cosplays & More!
Join Server11
Server subscribers
555 online
1,704 members
Join the Community and become a Ninja today! Get access to all the exclusive benefits including Community Servers, Behind the Scenes, Cosplays & More!
Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.
Become a Ninja in training Today! Your training starts today with Master Pokket Sensei
Express yourself like no one else.
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
News & Updates
Join us for community night chats or movie nights
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Access to Sub only Servers
Access to Community Servers
Free Dixper Crates each month
You will receive 5 Dixper Crates
Custom Discord Name Color
You can choose what color your name is in Discord
Behind the Scenes/Sneak Peaks
Behind the scenes of stream/life/cosplay
Custom 7D2D Integration Command
Custom 7 Days to Die Integration Command
Monthly 7D2D Pimp Points
7 Days to Die Pimp Points you receive to interact while Pokket Plays 7 days to die
Hi-res Cosplay
Access to my whole sets for my Cosplays
Early Access
Early Access to YouTube videos and Stream Announcements
Merch Discounts
Each month you will receive a merch discount code
Become a Shinobi or Kunoichi Today. You have learned the way of the Shinobi/Kunoichi. Now you can use your sneaky tactics with supporting me directly with the Shinobi/Kunoichi
Express yourself like no one else.
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Invite 1 friend to the server. They will need to be apart of my Discord in order to get access.
This is the Ultimate status of all the best Ninjas. Not only are you a Ninja, but can now transform into a Kitsune. You fear no evil and with this shapeshifting power you can do great things! Your generosity means the world to me.
Express yourself like no one else.
Gain access to private places to hang-out.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Access to Sub only Servers
Access to Community Servers
+3 Friends
Invite 3 friends to the server. They will need to be apart of my Discord in order to get access.
Custom 7D2D Integration Command
Custom 7 Days to Die Integration Command
Extra Dixper Crates
You will receive 10 Dixper Crates
Merch Discounts
Each month you will receive a merch discount code
Monthly 7D2D Pimp Points
7 Days to Die Pimp Points you receive to interact while Pokket Plays 7 days to die
Custom Discord Name Color
You can choose what color your name is in Discord
Behind the Scenes/Sneak Peaks
Behind the scenes of stream/life/cosplay
Hi-res Cosplay
Access to my whole sets for my Cosplays
Early Access
Early Access to YouTube videos and Stream Announcements
Unlock premium content
Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.
Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*
Recent Activity
Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*