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Discovery icon for RUIN GAMING Discord server



Server subscribers

1,956 online

13,178 members

Join the largest and longest World of Warcraft network for all things Gaming!

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Discovery icon for RUIN GAMING Discord server



Server subscribers

1,956 online

13,178 members

Join the largest and longest World of Warcraft network for all things Gaming!

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.





For many thousands, RUIN has been their Gaming home for a long time. Most of us are looking for an online community space that will always be there, no matter where we are in life. Epic Tier shows you care about keeping the lights on and the war machine greased for another Epic 18 years! (Yes, World of Warcraft & RUIN are that old)


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Giveaway Extra Entries

    Get an additional 10 entries for all discord giveaways!

  • Pick Your Own Role Color

    Your choice from 4 unique donator colors!

  • Pick Your Own Role Icon

    Your choice from 4 different donator icons. More to come soon!

  • Subscriber Voice

    Special access to Subscriber only voice channels. Hang out with other subscribers, without being bothered from the outside world!

  • AI Generated Avatar

    Work directly with Arch to get a high quality rendition of an Avatar. Arch will provide you a few renditions every month you are a subscriber (1-3hrs/month)





You are invested in our Mission, Vision and Values of keeping the RUIN Gaming experience Fun, Challenging, & Vic-Glorious™ . You want to help maintain our traditions of real life Events & Meet ups (Blizzcon, Disney-Star Wars, and Vegas). You understand that our community is unique and worth supporting. Like minded Gamers create the shared culture & environment that you are looking for.


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Giveaway Extra Entries

    Get an additional 15 entries for all discord giveaways!

  • Pick Your Own Role Color

    Your choice from 8 unique donator colors!

  • Pick Your Own Role Icon

    Your choice from 6 different donator icons. More to come soon!

  • Subscriber Day

    Special access to Subscriber only voice channels and special request and priority on Thursday's

  • AI Generated Avatar

    Work directly with Arch to get a high quality rendition of an Avatar. Arch will work with you to get you a great image of your characters (1-5+hrs every month)

  • Voice Channel Streaming

    Ability to stream your game inside any discord voice channels





Destination Gaming is your deal & our deal to you is to provide that. With your help RUIN will always have events running so that no matter what you want to do in gaming, we will help you get there! Relic members help us to make that a reality with giveaways, subscriptions & servers to make sure we can all play together. No one is left behind!


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Giveaway Extra Entries

    Get an additional 20 entries for all discord giveaways!

  • Pick Your Own Role Color

    Your choice from 18 unique donator colors!

  • Pick Your Own Role Icon

    Your choice from 9 different donator icons. More to come soon!

  • Subscriber Day

    Special access to Subscriber only voice channels and special request and priority on Thursday & Sunday's

  • AI Generated Avatar or Art

    Work directly with Arch to get a high quality rendition of anything! Arch will work with you until you love your personal piece! (One every month!)

  • Voice Channel Streaming

    Ability to stream your game inside any discord voice channels

  • Special message from Arch

    Have Arch announce your birthday live on stream, #ruinchat, and at the Guild meeting.

  • Change Your Name

    Tired of having to ask an officer to change your discord name? Not anymore! Relic will give you the ability to change your name at anytime.

  • Stream notifications for your own stream

    Have your Twitch stream auto post in our discord when you go live! First 20 relic members to request will receive this perk!

Unlock premium content

Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

Don't want special perks?

General access is just a click and a sign up away.

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