Shadows' Mods
Server subscribers
3,220 online
7,917 members
Being a subscriber gets you exclusive access to alpha feature development, internal minecraft servers, and exclusive cosmetics.
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Server subscribers
3,220 online
7,917 members
Being a subscriber gets you exclusive access to alpha feature development, internal minecraft servers, and exclusive cosmetics.
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Server subscribers
3,220 online
7,917 members
Being a subscriber gets you exclusive access to alpha feature development, internal minecraft servers, and exclusive cosmetics.
Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.
A Rare Supporter gains access to Particle Trails when playing with Shadows' Mods, and access to any servers that I may run.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Development Servers
Access to subscriber-only MC Servers
Particle Trails
A trail of particles when playing with Placebo
All benefits that Rare supporters get, and access to Wings when playing with Shadows' Mods.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
You gain cosmetic wings when playing with Placebo
Unlock premium content
Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.
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