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Software Engineering Courses (SECourses)

Discuss, ask and learn Stable Diffusion, DreamBooth, Programming, Software Engineering, C#, ASP.NET, MSSQL and more

1,389 Online
9,440 Members
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Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
November 2nd, 2020
Learn all of the stuff regarding Stable Diffusion such as DreamBooth training, Textual Inversion Training, LoRA training
Img2Img in Stable Diffusion, Upscaling, Custom Models, Google Colab Training and how to use Stable Diffusion on Google Colab
Automatic1111 Web UI, NMKD and RunPod tutorials, Technology Related Guides and Tutorials
C#, .NET, MSSQL related full courses, discussions, questions and help. Learn programming and coding to be a Software Engineer


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Discovery icon for Software Engineering Courses (SECourses) Discord server

Software Engineering Courses (SECourses)

Discuss, ask and learn Stable Diffusion, DreamBooth, Programming, Software Engineering, C#, ASP.NET, MSSQL and more

1,389 Online
9,440 Members
How chatty?
Like a chill coffee shop
Server created
November 2nd, 2020
Learn all of the stuff regarding Stable Diffusion such as DreamBooth training, Textual Inversion Training, LoRA training
Img2Img in Stable Diffusion, Upscaling, Custom Models, Google Colab Training and how to use Stable Diffusion on Google Colab
Automatic1111 Web UI, NMKD and RunPod tutorials, Technology Related Guides and Tutorials
C#, .NET, MSSQL related full courses, discussions, questions and help. Learn programming and coding to be a Software Engineer


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Science & Tech
Wiki & Guide
Studying & Teaching


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