Discovery splash banner for Sons Of | The Forest Discord server
Discovery icon for Sons Of | The Forest Discord server

Sons Of | The Forest


Server subscribers

10,296 online

41,670 members

Premium Memberships give you exclusive channels, extra giveaway entries, access to server events and more, including perks with MEE6 and access to more commands and fun stuff to do!

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Discovery icon for Sons Of | The Forest Discord server

Sons Of | The Forest


Server subscribers

10,296 online

41,670 members

Premium Memberships give you exclusive channels, extra giveaway entries, access to server events and more, including perks with MEE6 and access to more commands and fun stuff to do!

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.




Start free trial

With the Kelvin Tier you get access to an exclusive channel for premium members & MORE < - THIS DISCORD IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ENDNIGHT DON'T DONATE WITH THE INTENT TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPERS


Express yourself like no one else.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • supporters🚀💰

    Exclusive channel for premium subs!


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Participate in Community Events

    Participate in Community Events we host that get uploaded to youtube and streamed to the discord without the need for an Event Pass!

  • Community Insights

    Get a preview of what we're working on before the rest of the community

  • Exclusive Community Discord

    Access to a discord where I (Smokey) will be (torturing) livestreaming myself play/do stuff that members can vote on

  • Early Access to Events

    Get exclusive access to events that we curate earlier than the rest of the community

  • Celebration!!

    We will celebrate your birthday with you, with the server!

  • 2 Emoji Slots

    Add 2 Emoji's to the discord





With the Wormsies Tier you get access to an exclusive channel for premium members & MORE < - THIS DISCORD IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ENDNIGHT DON'T DONATE WITH THE INTENT TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPERS


Express yourself like no one else.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

Contains all the same channels as



Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Custom Role Color+Icons

    A choice in which color/icon you show up in chat with! & Keep it after 3 months

  • Early Access to Endnight interviews

    Early Access to Endnight interviews

  • Prebuilt (Customizable) Kelvin/Virginia Emote

    A prebuilt emote from our artist @Chus that you can choose different hair styles, accessories, eye color, nametag etc.. For!

  • Participate in Community Events

    Participate in Community Events we host that get uploaded to youtube and streamed to the discord without the need for an Event Pass!

  • Community Insights

    Get a preview of what we're working on before the rest of the community

  • Exclusive Community Discord

    Access to a discord where I (Smokey) will be (torturing) livestreaming myself play/do stuff that members can vote on

  • Embed Permissions

    Gain Embed + Image permissions instantly! bypassing the level role requirement

  • Early Access to Events

    Get exclusive access to events that we curate earlier than the rest of the community

  • Celebration!!

    We will celebrate your birthday with you, with the server!

  • 3 Emoji Slots

    Add 3 Emoji's to the discord

Golden Survivor




With the Golden Survivor Tier you get access to an exclusive channel for premium members & MORE < - THIS DISCORD IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ENDNIGHT DON'T DONATE WITH THE INTENT TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPERS


Express yourself like no one else.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

Contains all the same channels as



Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Custom Role Color+Icons

    A choice in which color/icon you show up in chat with! & Keep it after 2 months

  • Early Access to Endnight interviews

    Early Access to Endnight interviews

  • New (Customizable) Kelvin/Virginia Emote

    A completely brand new Kelvin emote design that you can personally request @Chus to make

  • Participate in Community Events

    Participate in Community Events we host that get uploaded to youtube and streamed to the discord without the need for an Event Pass!

  • Community Insights

    Get a preview of what we're working on before the rest of the community

  • Exclusive Community Discord

    Access to a discord where I (Smokey) will be (torturing) livestreaming myself play/do stuff that members can vote on

  • Embed Permissions

    Gain Embed + Image permissions instantly! bypassing the level role requirement

  • Early Access to Events

    Get exclusive access to events that we curate earlier than the rest of the community

  • Celebration!!

    We will celebrate your birthday with you, with the server!

  • 4 Emoji Slots

    Add 4 Emoji's to the discord

  • Gift A Kelvin Subscription

    Choose any friend and for as long as you're subscribed your friend will get a free subscription to our Kelvin tier

Unlock premium content

Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

Don't want special perks?

General access is just a click and a sign up away.

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