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Starlight Lounge

22 online

34 members

Yo! This community is where Aphelyite (aka Vega) & friends hang. This space is open to mutuals, followers, people who pop into streams, and the like! Please bear in mind that this environment is for adults, as adult jokes and references may be made along the way. Hope you enjoy your stay!

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Discovery icon for Starlight Lounge Discord server

Starlight Lounge

22 online

34 members

Yo! This community is where Aphelyite (aka Vega) & friends hang. This space is open to mutuals, followers, people who pop into streams, and the like! Please bear in mind that this environment is for adults, as adult jokes and references may be made along the way. Hope you enjoy your stay!

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  • backstage

    Meet, mix, and mingle with fellow supporters.


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  • Supporter-Only Chats

    Hangout with other supporters in exclusive spaces.

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1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

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