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Swoop's Nebula

235 online

3,595 members

Get direct access to Swoop Nebula when you become a supporter of The Visual Pharmacy Community.

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Discovery icon for Swoop's Nebula Discord server

Swoop's Nebula

235 online

3,595 members

Get direct access to Swoop Nebula when you become a supporter of The Visual Pharmacy Community.

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Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.




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Direct access to Swoop Nebula, receive priority when it comes to all your graphic design related needs and questions.


Gain access to discussions and content meant only for server subscribers.

  • 📚_ask_a_mentor

    One on One Chat Help Whenever You Need It.

  • ✨_updatesᐩ

    My Design Challenge Project Files & Discounts

  • 💫_resourcesᐩ

    Curated Resources Channel


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • "Ask a Mentor" Chat

    Request One on One Chat Help when needed.

  • Feedback On Your Work

    Send me your work and I'll provide constructive feedback on how to make your designs better.

  • Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator Help

    Ask questions and get help learning the software you'll need to become a graphic designer.

  • Career Advice

    Get advice from a graphic designer with 10+ years within the graphic design industry.

  • Portfolio Reviews

    Send me your portfolio! I'll review it and provide you with guidance as to how it can be improved.

  • Become a Design Homie

    Become a design homie, and support a black graphic designer in his journey to spread the knowledge and make graphic design more accessible.

  • 25% off Digital Assets

    Discounts from The Visual Pharmacy Shop




Start free trial

Direct access to Swoop Nebula, receive priority when it comes to all your graphic design related needs and questions.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • 📚_ask_a_mentor

    One on One Chat Help Whenever You Need It.

  • ✨_updatesᐩ

    My Design Challenge Project Files & Discounts

  • 💫_resourcesᐩ

    Curated Resources Channel


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • "Ask a Mentor" Chat

    Request One on One Chat Help when needed.

  • Feedback On Your Work

    Send me your work and I'll provide constructive feedback on how to make your designs better.

  • Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator Help

    Ask questions and get help learning the software you'll need to become a graphic designer.

  • Career Advice

    Get advice from a graphic designer with 10+ years within the graphic design industry.

  • Portfolio Reviews

    Send me your portfolio! I'll review it and provide you with guidance as to how it can be improved.

  • Become a Design Homie

    Become a design homie, and support a black graphic designer in his journey to spread the knowledge and make graphic design more accessible.

  • 25% off Digital Assets

    Discounts from The Visual Pharmacy Shop

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Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

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