Discovery splash banner for The Renowned Community Discord server
Discovery icon for The Renowned Community Discord server

The Renowned Community


Server subscribers

13 online

38 members

HI! This is The Renowned Community (or for short TRC). TRC is a community built around Shoya, and the associating clothing brand. There is a NEW subscription through discord that discounts ALL purchases made through TRC. Scroll down! What are subscriptions? Subscribers are essentially patreons for the server. ANY financial support is then redirected into improving the quality of the server and maintaining premium features and providing deeper access to casual AND premium members.

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Discovery icon for The Renowned Community Discord server

The Renowned Community


Server subscribers

13 online

38 members

HI! This is The Renowned Community (or for short TRC). TRC is a community built around Shoya, and the associating clothing brand. There is a NEW subscription through discord that discounts ALL purchases made through TRC. Scroll down! What are subscriptions? Subscribers are essentially patreons for the server. ANY financial support is then redirected into improving the quality of the server and maintaining premium features and providing deeper access to casual AND premium members.

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.

Tier 1 - Renowned




Tier 1 is allows for a plethora of perks! A 10% discount to all purchases made in the TRC Store (wow!), UNIQUE roles, and PRIVATE access to ON-STREAM VCs.


Gain access to discussions and content meant only for server subscribers.

  • Stream 1

    Interact with our communities creators without having a necessary role for access.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Increased Visibility

    You're renowned! Be renowned, feel renowned! (you get the @RENOWNED role for as long as your subscription is active!)


    who doesn't love discounts? get 10% off ALL products from the TRC Store on EVERY purchase!

Tier 1 - Renowned




Tier 1 is allows for a plethora of perks! A 10% discount to all purchases made in the TRC Store (wow!), UNIQUE roles, and PRIVATE access to ON-STREAM VCs.


Gain access to private places to hang-out.

  • Stream 1

    Interact with our communities creators without having a necessary role for access.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Increased Visibility

    You're renowned! Be renowned, feel renowned! (you get the @RENOWNED role for as long as your subscription is active!)


    who doesn't love discounts? get 10% off ALL products from the TRC Store on EVERY purchase!

Unlock premium content

Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

Don't want special perks?

General access is just a click and a sign up away.

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