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Discovery icon for Razi's Realm Discord server

Razi's Realm


Server subscribers

123 online

347 members

Become a supporter for Serpent's Garden! By using Discord for our Patreon like system, it is far easier to link your support to our game servers and get you your rewards! All support is non-refundable and only shows rewards for things that you can currently get! Unless stated otherwise in an announcement. By becoming a supporter you help cover the costs for our servers! You can check information about our goals and supporters in the #Supporter channel!

Discovery icon for Razi's Realm Discord server

Razi's Realm


Server subscribers

123 online

347 members

Become a supporter for Serpent's Garden! By using Discord for our Patreon like system, it is far easier to link your support to our game servers and get you your rewards! All support is non-refundable and only shows rewards for things that you can currently get! Unless stated otherwise in an announcement. By becoming a supporter you help cover the costs for our servers! You can check information about our goals and supporters in the #Supporter channel!

Show support, get rewarded

Subscribe to the server and unlock new premium experiences.




The 1st Supporter Tier! Check on Minecraft Server for it's rewards!


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Skip Bot Cooldowns

    Lets you skip the cooldown any commands may have!

  • The Safe Badge

    Only on the SCP:SL Servers!

  • Monthly Reward

    Claim your 20,000 Coins every month!

  • DJ Role

    Gives you priority control over the music bot in vcs! (Don't abuse!)

  • Spawn Tickets

    You will be able to see spawn tickets while spectating on the SCP:SL Servers!

  • Reserved Slot on all servers!

    You will get in whatever server you want even if it is full for any of our Game Servers!

  • Round Info

    You can see generator and warhead status while in spectator.




The 2nd Supporter Tier! Check on Minecraft Server for it's rewards!


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Previous tier rewards

    Get everything the Emerald Tier has!

  • The Euclid Badge

    Only on the SCP:SL Servers!

  • Monthly Reward

    Claim your 30,000 Coins every month!

  • Hats!

    Get access to .hat ! For lovely hats!

  • Custom Roles Plus

    Have a higher chance at getting custom roles then others!

  • Always spawn!

    Will always be added on top of a spawn wave, if you didn't make it.




The 3rd Supporter Tier! Check on Minecraft Server for it's rewards!


Express yourself like no one else.


Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.

  • Previous tier rewards!

    Get everything from Euclid and Safe tiers!

  • The Keter Rainbow Badge

    Get the Rainbow Keter Tag on the SCP:SL servers!

  • Monthly Reward

    Claim your 40,000 Coins every month!

  • Eyes on you

    Get to know who is spectating you on the SCP:SL server!

  • PETS!

    Get your own little pet to follow ya around!

Unlock premium content

Purchase a Server Subscription to view content that only a select few can experience.

Note: this content is artificial and for explanatory purposes only*

Recent Activity

1873 recent messages
12 videos this week
24 voice calls today

Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*

Don't want special perks?

General access is just a click and a sign up away.