Time-tested health
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Shown the current ways of degenerative, declining health in our modern world, we have clearly gone far from our ancestral roots. Our instincts to what is optimal for our health has been buried by "healthcare professionals" – trained to work a profit-focused healthcare system. This system can't "cure" one disease but rather "treat" them as a lifelong customer. The idea that we're susceptible to disease has been engraved to make us reliant on it. This system has hid prevention in promotion of prescribing pharmaceuticals to suppress symptoms of a toxic lifestyle. As humans, our bodies know how to do ONE thing, and that is heal. Symptoms of disease are simply our bodies healing response to damage from our lifestyle. To heal is to adapt. We are always adapting to our environments. Adapting to an unhealthy environment is when we express the so-called "symptoms of disease". To suppress symptoms is to mute our bodies cry for change. Once we relearn how to listen to our bodies instead of suppress symptoms is how we will forever optimize our health. Health truths will be shown through self-evident progress and truly feeling good. Subscriptions necessary to filter trolling.
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