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Troll Conspirator
Access the inner circle of troll with all QoL permissions the server has to offer
Express yourself like no one else.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Fast-Chat Access
holy shit! (you get more eyes on your posts)
Access to secret-troll-discusion
it doesnt exist it doesnt exist it doesnt exist it doesnt exist it doesnt exist it doesnt exist it doesnt exist it doesnt exist
Various perms
Polls, Soundboard, Voice Status, Voice Messages, etc.
Immunity to being banned
This is 100% serious. Discord doesn't allow subscribers to be banned.

Become a Minimod
want to embrace your inner staff member? want to be an actual nuisance? want to justify your haters? this is the role for you
Express yourself like no one else.
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
Troll Conspirator 2.0
all the same benefits of troll conspirator! including ban immunity!
whatsapp group chat access
finally, paid whatsapp access, i love grifts! i love grifts! i love grifts!
manage nicknames
change anybody's server nickname to whatever you want
server mute people in vc
someone you don't like being annoying? simply server mute them!
priority speaker
no one can hear you in vc? use a special hotkey to amplify your voice and annoyingly talk over everyone!
abusing your power will lead to you being "demoted"

life savings
for when you're about to kill yourself and need something to spend your life savings on
Additional perks to being part of our server’s exclusive group.
literally nothing
dont fucking buy this are you stupid
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Note: this content is artficial and for explanatory purposes only*