Tyler, The Creator fan community! Dedicated to Tyler’s music, art, fashion, and more. Come say hello! 😺
Tyler, The Creator (a.k.a TylerCord) provides a safe space for you to connect with Tyler fans around the world.
⠀ If you're a fan of Tyler and want to connect with like-minded individuals, this is the place for you. Our server is filled with active members who love discussing everything from Tyler's music and art to his newest clothing drops. We have dedicated channels for news updates, Tyler-related discussions, and even a place to share your own art and pictures of your pets :)
⠀ We have been running for 5 years, making us the largest and most active Tyler fan community on Discord. We also have a role ranking system that rewards you for being active in the server. As you gain levels, you'll unlock new privileges like the ability to embed links, send pictures, and even talk to our AI chatbot.
⠀ If you have any questions or need assistance, just send a message to our @ModMail bot and a member of our staff team will be happy to help. Hope to see you soon :D ⠀
⠀ Staff Applications: tylercord.com/apply Ban Appeals: tylercord.com/appeals
Tyler, The Creator fan community! Dedicated to Tyler’s music, art, fashion, and more. Come say hello! 😺
Tyler, The Creator (a.k.a TylerCord) provides a safe space for you to connect with Tyler fans around the world.
⠀ If you're a fan of Tyler and want to connect with like-minded individuals, this is the place for you. Our server is filled with active members who love discussing everything from Tyler's music and art to his newest clothing drops. We have dedicated channels for news updates, Tyler-related discussions, and even a place to share your own art and pictures of your pets :)
⠀ We have been running for 5 years, making us the largest and most active Tyler fan community on Discord. We also have a role ranking system that rewards you for being active in the server. As you gain levels, you'll unlock new privileges like the ability to embed links, send pictures, and even talk to our AI chatbot.
⠀ If you have any questions or need assistance, just send a message to our @ModMail bot and a member of our staff team will be happy to help. Hope to see you soon :D ⠀
⠀ Staff Applications: tylercord.com/apply Ban Appeals: tylercord.com/appeals